Feature: Staff Roundtable #53

We all love Nintendo, but would having no competition do them, and gamers, well?

Would it be good if all the game companies collaberated on a single games console?

er-no: It would have many advantages and disadvantages for the public. I think I'm going to have to sit on my fence for this one. Nintendo and Microsoft forming together is rumoured to be happening, whether its true or not nobody knows yet the prospect of a Nintendo/Microsoft machine is definetely a good thing as competition against the next Playstation would be very strong. Sony need to be stopped as they are beginning to monopolise the market, I can't understand why as the machine is of a low power and its games are mostly mediocre or just crap.

If all the three companies got together, there would be a problem. One console, no competition, high prices: Less choice. Nintendo wouldn't take as much time on their software for the console. Microsoft would want everything online and Sony would want the console to control when you went to the toilet. Each of the three companies wants to deliver something different to the market. In each way, they are very good at what they do. Lets not forget that Nintendo are making profit, whereas the XBox is a loss for Microsoft and the PS2 is breaking even in terms of profit for Sony. A three way merger would create a very very powerful console, yet take the fun out of what we all want and buy games for.

I'm all for a Nintendo/Microsoft console. Merely because I hate Sony. There we go.

Kevin: Well its a nice idea in THEORY

The main problems being that all 3 companies are in the industry for different reasons.

There's a lot out there - we will have to wait and see

Ash: Hmm a Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo console sure would be...interesting to say the least. The vast array of things the console would do would be almost scary to think about, and the price, scarier. It would be a console that had top games, great accessories, DVD player, online capabilities and who knows what else.

Nintendo could provide the games, Microsoft the money and Sony the brand name. Each comapny will have their own little bit to put towards the console to make it good.

Now to the negative, it aint going to happen. Sony and Nintendo have worked together before and that didn't end well. And as said, everybody wants different things, Nintendo would want to spend a lot of time creating a gem of a game how they want to and Microsoft would look at the box and say "What, no online?" and chuck it away. Microsoft and Sony would have a merry old time saying "DVD player...check, CD player...check, online capabilties...check, coffee maker....check!" while Nintendo would be arguing about how it needs to be simplistic and available to all.

Then the console itself, what would they call it, the PSXBoxNintendo? or how about PXN, but would Sony agree to that, I mean, it doesnt have the 'Playstation' name so it might not sell aswell. The companies would argue, bicker, say different things (although intrestingly I wonder if they would all agree with the polygon rate, sales etc) and then ultimatly split.

It's like one of those shows where they say "What would life be if X didn't happen" and it ends up that life would be the same in the end, just get there in a different way.

Conor: Like Kevin said, it would be great in theory. Many things are. The advantages are of course, obvious. You wouldn't be torn between buying an XBox for Halo or a Gamecube for Metroid Prime. All the games would be on one console. You would only need to buy one console, lessening the financial burden on those gamers who want all the big games, no matter what console they're on. Initially, it would be all rosy. One console; all the games. Great. Right?

Well, not really. Competition is a necessity in any industry, the games industry included. There'd be no incentive for lower game prices or better games, or better treatment of gamers. The companies behind the console would have the ultimate monopoly, and they could do what they want. I'd much rather have a little of healthy competition from the likes of Sony or Microsoft. As long as they don't kill off Nintendo, I'm happy for them to be there.

And I don't think it could ahppen. Money drives any industry, having only one console would probably lose Nintendo or Sony or whatever money. Plus Nintendo especially would be far too proud to do something like that.

Jav: I've had this thought for a while myself to be honest but to be fair it would elimate need for competition and need to better ones self so technological advances probably wouldnt take place as quick. That being said, who knows, the extra money etc could mean an ultimate machine could be made but its all if's and but's. If they could co-operate it would be alot better for the consumer I feel, no need to buy so many consoles means more money in our pocket and thus more money for games which essentially is what it all comes down to. Its an interesting prospect but one I don't think will ever pan out, the rivalry and risks behind it will prevent it, it would also, I think (not the smartest on company issues) but Nintendo are game only related, Song and Microsoft arn't so they would have safe ground to fall back on if it all went to pot where as Nintendo would be left in the dirt. A dream maybe but its not that desirable considering console prices are dropping as they are.

What do you think? Would it work?

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