Feature: Staff Roundtable #65

Yes, we're a Gamecube site. Hence the name. But we'd be lying if we said we didn't love Ninty's handheld dream machine just as much. Well, some of us wouldn't. But I would. So it goes.

Any Christmas GBA titles interesting you?

Franklin: GBA games? Is there anything big and/or interesting coming out on it soon? All I can think of is that game that uses sunlight (can't remember the name) but I don't think it's out here for Xmas...or is it?

The last GBA game I got was Golden Sun: The Lost Age and I am loving it. Too many GameCube games coming up anyway, I don't think I'll have the money for any GBA games. [That's no excuse - Ed]

jayseven: GBA games? Er... looks like I, and Nintendo, have been concentrating on the GC lineup! I've totally lost track of any GBA games. The only one I've noticed at all in the last few months is Boktai (that solar panel one)... but I've been warned not to get it during the winter months Mind you, I havn't even gotten a GBA yet. The idea was that I'd get it this Christmas with LttP and Metroid.

So it appears that Nintendo know where to place their resources, what with the GBA selling like crazy anyway. I think that GBA owners this christmas will attempt to pick up any titles they've missed; Golden Sun or it's sequel, Pokémon Ruby/Saphire, or even LttP and Metroid!

Matt: Nope...

I've picked up Golden Sun 2 already, which hasn't left my Gameboy Player but aside from that I won't be concentrating much on the GBA releases this Christmas.

Oh, except that Final Fantasy Tactics.

'That' Final Fantasy Tactics

Blackbird: Whoohoo! Finally a roundtable for me!

Well.... Mario & Luigi, Boktai (import, since the EU version has been delayed), Prince of Persia, Need for Speed Underground, Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed, Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu, Archer Maclean's 3D Pool (a classic!), Sim City 2000, The Sims Bustin' Out and Sword of Mana.

I know these games are supposed to be released between October and December, but some games might actually make it to my X-mas tree.

But I have to admit, I was also thinking about getting Premier Manager 03/04, James Bond 007 Everything or Nothing, Medal of Honor Infiltrator, Mission: Impossible - Operation Surma, Crash Nitro Kart, Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3, James Pond - Codename Robocod, Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup and The Lord of the Rings and The Return of the King.

(for a complete list, meet me at the boards)

James: I've three games in mind at the moment: Advance Wars 2, Mario and Luigi, and SMA4. Especially SMA4 - the SNES version is my Favourite Game Ever TM.

Thank you Intelligent Systems

Lamsh: I'm eagerly waiting for Final Fantasy Tactics, Sword of Mana and Mario & Luigi. I have no idea when they will be released, but around Christmas they'll probably be out in either Europe or the US

Tim: Ah, my best little silver friend, the Game Boy Advance SP! I am currently addicted still to Advance Wars 2 and Made in Wario. I do have some titles I look forward to. Sim City, the new F-Zero, and Final Fantasy look very interesting in my opinion. I am not sure whether I will get all of them. Am currently trying to finish like five GameCube games still... hehe.

Conor: Thanks to the wonders of employment, a few GBA games will be joining Mario Kart and the rest on my 'to-buy' list this Chrimbo.

With Advance Wars 2, I only held out one measly day (and that's only down due my stores not having it the first day) before splurging on a copy. Needless to say, it's more addictive than crack. Totally engrossing and brilliantly-designed, it has rendered all other activities mere filler. With it out of the way, what's left? A lot, actually.

Although I told myself I wouldn't buy Mario Advance 4, angry at having to pay 35 pounds for the same game that appeared more than a decade ago, I suspect I'll give in to temptation. And despite not being the biggest RPG fan in the world (or, indeed, in my class) I'm considering picking up FF Tactics and maybe even Mario & Luigi. But not because it has Mario in it. Okay, alright, I'm a Mario junkie.

I think that'll be it for me, but if things work out better financially then who knows.

I think you who what I'm going to say here. So just answer it.

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