Feature: Staff Roundtable #69

So, you're stuck on a desert island. Just the essentials; food, water and, of course, a game to whittle away the time. But which game?

If you were stuck on a desert island with one game (and the console to play it on) what would it be?

Iun: This is a toughie... It'd have to be something with everything, something timeless that just never gets old. My memory isn't too good due to Martini abuse, so I'll draw on recent examples of games that I've been playing for the longest, the games with the most lastability. Obviously as a Nintendo gamer, the best example of longevity that springs to mind is Animal Crossing. Something new happening every day and date specific events? Yes please, Daddy! I've been playing the game since the Freeloader came out in Europe and it's been incredibly rewarding. I find it very hard to believe that anyone who takes the time to get involved with the game could ever hate it. I even got so involved that I was close to tears when my favourite villager sent me a charming note saying that she was leaving my village but would always care about me... sigh...

The other recent example is Morrowind, which might seem a little bit beardy as it was mostly panned by critics. The truth of the matter is that Bethesda have taken the time to create a game with so much to do that I've completed it twice and now I'm going back to try and find everything I've missed on the first two plays, and I'm positive I'll be going back for a fourth time. Though graphically it's quite unspectacular, the undefineable number of quests, sub-quests, faction affiliations, uncharted areas, books and atmosphere have ensured that I have remained constantly enthralled bythis world. But, seeing as I can only have ONE game... hmmm... I'd probably go with Morrowind. But I am looking forward to my birthday in Noonvale - my AC village!

Svt4Him: Survivor.

Oh come on, I couldn't resist.

Jayseven: Well I think I would choose a trusty N64 and maybe Blast Corps (Maybe?!! YEAH. RIGHT.) My favourite game of all time, mainly for the longetivity of it. The game really does keep chucking out surprises once you thought you'd done the game... you'd get a new mission objective which would take longer to complete than the amount of time you'd already spent on the game -- That happens 3 times in the game! Also the game is incredebly addictive, thanks to the simple gameplay mechanics (bulldoze a path through a suburban city to make way for a nuclear tanker...) and lovely tunes. If Rare announced a sequel was planned for the Xbox, I would seriously consider selling my family to get an Xbox...

But of course, being stuck on a desert island with an addictive game isn't the best line of thinking, is it?

James: Ooooh, so hard to choose...so many great systems, each with their great games...

If I had to pick one, it'd have to be the Super Nintendo with Super Mario All-Stars. Yes, I know that's kind of cheating, but as its on one cart, it counts as one game doesn't it? Right?

If not, it would have to be Super Mario 64 on the N64, or Super Monkey Ball on GC.

er-no: It'd have to be the Super Nintendo and Secret of Mana, its my favorite game of all time and I simply love its structure and leveling system. Not to mention its awesome and love inspiring storyline. It's a true hidden classic and if stranded this would be my number one.

It really is that good

Blackbird: Simple: Tetris. You can keep playing this game until eternity. It has to be either the original Tetris for GB Mono, or Tetris DX for the GBC though.

Lamsh: Damn this is a tough one. Would I be alone on this island? That's an important question, if I wasn't I'd have to bring a multiplayer game :)

I think I would would bring Metroid Prime though, one of my favorite games of all time. Or maybe Super Monkey Ball 2, or Ikaruga, or Soul Calibur 2. I really don't know what I would pick, but it probably would be a cube game. And I'd try to smuggle my GBASP and a few carts along of course :)

Franklin: It's a hard question, but to keep it recent I'd take Viewtiful Joe and my Cube. I really love this game, even getting F-Zero has not stopped me playing it. Or I would take Wind Waker, which means I'd have the OOT bonus disk with me too. Or I would take.....ah forget it, I'll stop there before I list just about all my favourite games :P.

Conor: Ocarina of Time. It just has to be. I cannot think of a game I'd like to play more than Nintendo's finely-crafted masterpiece. Being trapped on an island would actually be a blessing in disguise - it would give me time (something I have little these days) to experience the whole thing over again. To ride Epona, to fight the bosses, to negotiate the dungeons, to fall in love all over again.

Tim: At the moment it would be XIII on the Nintendo GameCube. Simply, because I have to have it finished before thursday for reviewing purposes. I just can't seem to get through it and a little isolation time with XIII would help. The game seriously rocks, and I would definitely not mind being stuck on an island with it right now. In fact, I should sail to an island right now and play the game there. I am getting to distracted here in the office at the moment...

Steve: Hmmm yes a tough one this.

I think I'll go with the N64 and mario kart 64. You can never get bored of that game, but of course I would also have extra controllers with me in case other shipwrecked peeps turned up and we could have some mutliplayer Mario Kart fun!

Matt: I have an 'elite 4' games, and each have their own merits.

Mario Sunshine is an abvious choice, it being my favourite game of all time and all. I've spent a lot of time on SMS just messing around, seeing where I can jump from and still land in the main strip of water (extreme sunshining it has been dubbed), but I don't think that I could stand it for the rest of eternity, no matter it's greatness.

Wind Waker is another choice, and I'd probably be able to stick through its stupid sailing sections if I was alone with it for long periods of time, but still, no.

A sports game (are you allowed to mention Pro Evo 3 on here?) would be another possibilty, but the one game I'd take with me would be Animal Crossing, purely for the ever changing landscape. Everyday is a new challnge in Animal Crossing - whether it's getting a new piece of furniature or doing jobs for the locals - it is a gloriously time consuming game.

'Feel free to browse, try not to carouse. Ho ho!'

Tom Nook is a god.

So, what game would you share your ordeal with?

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