Feature: Staff Roundtable #88

The C-E staff give their views on gaming's most important issues.

Written by CE staff

When the Electronic Entertainment Expo first began in 1995, it was just another games convention. The industry had many of them. It still does. But over the years, E3 has risen above them all to become the definitive event for games companies and their fans. It's where all the big bombs get dropped and it looks like it'll stay that way. Is this right though?

Is it right for so much attention to be put on one games show (E3)?


"Lots of shows have nowhere near the same impact as one large one."

The Electronic Entertainment Exposition, has been, is and will be the biggest showcase of games and hardware in the West for a very long time. Thousands of people converge on one place to catch a tiny glimpse of what is in store for the world of gaming in the coming year.

But is it right that one show is so important for the world? Quite frankly yes. One large and spectacular showing of all the forthcoming products and future projects is far better, in my opinion than several smaller shows. Or even shows of equal size.

Let's face it: it's hard keeping things from the games press, everyone wants the most exclusive story and they want to put it out NOW. If we expanded the number of gameshow and had one a month, we'd be reduced to waiting each month for the latest news from this month's show.

And that's another thing: Lots of shows have nowhere near the same impact as one large one, they would de-sensitise you to the wonder and magic of the hottest properties. Therefore, one massive show like E3 and a few minor shows like ECTS mean that the impact is far greater and the anticipation is that much larger. After all, if you could have ice-cream every day, wouldn't you start to crave apple pie after a while, just for a change?

Bas O:

Of course, it is the biggest game expo of the year. Anybody who is anything in the game industry will be there. Developers/Publishers will grab this opportunity to promote their upcoming products and try to get as much exposure as they can get.

So not only is it right, it is logical as well.


What's there not not be excited about? E3 is a big, big event and there will undoubtedly be large announcements made there.


Well... That's like asking if the film industry can live without the Oscars, Music industry can live without the VMA's and TV to live without the BAFTA's. If we didn't have E3 we would lose the heart of the gaming world. EVERY format gets to show off. Show what they can do. And get fans all over the world to wait for the best of games. So yes. It's fine. Now everyone look at E304. May 2004 in LA.

(Next Year I can go!)


E3 is the biggest gaming event for companies to show off their software/hardware. Nintendo will deliver this year with a seriously amount of suprises - oh and watch out for Goldeneye 2. Need I say more?


"E3 and other game shows deserve the attention they get."

It is not just a game show. It is in fact, like my collegues said, the biggest one out there! So in my opinion E3 and other game shows deserve the attention they get. It is the show where developers showcase and announce their upcoming titles. Of course, there are more game shows that get the attention from the industry. In Europe the biggest ones are the ECTS and the GC in Germany, and in Japan there are also quite few.

I love going to these shows and see and meet all the developers. Saves us from travelling throughout Europe to meet the producers and PR folks. Like Iun said; they are a treat! I am totally pro these shows! Keep 'em coming...


"The next year of gaming can be judged on what's on show at the expo, it's that important."

I think the rise of E3's status and importance is both natural and welcome. As the industry has grown over the past decade or so, it should be expected that one event becomes the definitive showcase for it. And as the rest of the staff have said, having one huge show is much more effective than many smaller ones.

E3 has become the battlefield on which all the console producers fight for headlines and recognition. The next year of gaming can be judged on what's on show at the expo, it's that important. So obviously it deserves all the attention it gets, it's the single most important point in the gaming calendar. May 11-14 this year folks, I've already got my calendar dates marked.

What does CE's readership think? Should everything be focused on E3?

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