Feature: The Digest

Posted 02 Nov 2005 at 18:57 by guest
Vol. 2 Number 2
(Editor's Note: GamerPALs will from this edition onwards also be archived, so as to make access to the different strips easier.)
Jim Merrick talks DS, online- and Revolution launch
Jim Merrick, one of Nintendo of Europe's top men, has just given a revealing interview with online Spanish magazine Meristation, and has let slip a few juicy morsels of information, though not nearly as many as we'd have liked.
He announced that Nintendo of Europe would be setting up over 25,000 Wi-Fi hotspots across Europe to improve access to the company's quickly-approaching launch of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection which debuts with the highly anticipated Mario Kart DS in under a month.
Merrick also confirmed that the Wi-Fi USB dongle will be priced at �39.95 and will be fully compatible with Revolution. On the subject of the Revolution, Merrick made some interesting announcements. Firstly, he said that the console would see a worldwide release within fourteen weeks, meaning that the console's Japanese, American and European launches will come within 3 months of each other. Which isn't bad, all told.
It also transpires that the Revolution will have a similar type of multiplayer feature to the DS' Download Play function: multiple players can play with only one copy of the game. Quite what this will entail is still very much being kept under wraps. But its interesting all the same, and further welcome use of the system's online capabilities. Trailers and game demos are also strongly rumoured to be available for download. As for retro titles, the Virtual Console feature means you'll be able to download them from different regions. For European gamers, this is an appealing prospect because US games all have 60hz capability, and a lack of borders and better framerates in the SNES and N64 era. Merrick also said that when played on Revolution, N64 games will have better framerate, but there won't be significant graphical improvements. Finally, Perfect Dark's Hi-Res mode running at a smooth framerate? Can't wait.
Regarding the console's games themselves, Merrick said that we wouldn't be seeing games in 2005, but when we do see them no significant differences in their graphics compared to the other systems. Merrick cited Miyamoto's unwillingness to show unfinished games and their desire to show playable games rather than non-interactive demos as the reasons for the 2005 no-show. Plenty of food for thought there.
>Inane comment of the week goes to Epic Games' VP, Mark Reign, who uttered the following gem of idiocy. He said that in the next generation games would be "all about the graphics", and that if people bought the Revolution, they would find themself playing with "crappy, cheap, I-wish-I-hadn't-bought-it gimmicks". All about the graphics, eh? Doesn't bode very well for Gears of War if that's where their priorities lie.
>Final Fantasy III's upcoming DS incarnation has got a remarkable graphical overhaul. The game has taken on a pseudo 3D style very much in the vein of the GameCube's Crystal Chronicles. According to Square-Enix, gameplay will be possible just using the stylus and touch-screen, and wireless features will also be present and correct, though it may not necessarily be a multiplayer mode.
>Daisy is set to be a secret character in Mario Kart DS. My word.
>King Kong, Ubisoft's highly anticipated film tie-in, has gone 'gold'- with the game set for imminent release. Michel Ancel- the man behind the glorious Beyond Good and Evil is at the helm, with Peter Jackson also taking a hands-on role. Keep a close eye on this one. GameCube and DS versions are being released.
>The DS' Resident Evil: Deadly Silence will be released in America in Q1- with two game modes confirmed. Classic Mode features the original controls and puzzle layout as the pioneering PSone title, however does not support stylus control. Featuring the new first-person knife battles and stylus-based puzzles, the controls feature a quick 180 degree turn by pressing Down and B, reload is equipped to the R button and similar to Resident Evil 4 you can always bring out your knife if you run out of ammo by pressing L. Up to four players can compete against each other - basically a race to kill the most zombies and other enemies. The larger the creature you kill, the more points you receive. Alternatively, you can play cooperatively with a mate to escape the mansion together.
The number of Mana fans pleased by the news that Square-Enix won't be developing the upcoming DS incarnation; Children of Mana.
The number of GameCubes, in millions, sold thus far worldwide.
The number, in thousands, of copies sold in Japan in the first week of release of Super Princess Peach for DS.
The number of wi-fi hotspots in McDonald's restaurants across the US accessible to DS owners from next month.
The position the Revolution controller occupies on a recent Time Magazine list of '5 New Things That Will Blow Your Mind'.
(Release dates are subject to change)
November 11th
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC) - Nintendo's top RPG series finally goes 3D; you should be excited.
Lego Star Wars (GC) - If you missed it on the other platforms, pick it up here. Star Wars has never been so cute.
The Sims 2 (GC/DS) - Take control of little peoples' lives; the never-ending series continues with the console sequel.
November 11th
Lost in Blue (DS) - More demanding than Trace Memory, but less visually distinctive.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (GC) - Expect the usual slightly-above-average 'adventure' mix of mini-games and action.
Mario Superstar Baseball (GC) - Like Golf and Soccer this should be accessible, if slightly shallow, entertainment.
Nanostray (DS) - Look on for your definitive DS shooter, but stay if you're willing to compromise.
Zoo Tycoon (DS) - Sub-par Microsoft wildlife management on your DS, if you're one of those people.
The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer (GC/DS) - Licensed 'action platformer' that's unlikely to match excellence of source.
Revolution-Europe's new-look, sleekly designed forums are a-buzzin' at the moment. Just some of the hottest threads of recent times which you may be interested in contributing to:
- What's your 'desert island' game? Let the world know here.
- A discussion on apparent 'developer fanboyism' is raging here
- Is the Revolution really going to be released in May 2006? Have your say here.
- Fire Emblem is set for release imminently. Check out the official thread.
- Is Halo overrated? What do you think?
Well, I'm off to enjoy what's left of the Hallowe'en festivities. Hope you enjoyed this fortnight's instalment. Oh, and one last thing- Mario Kart is just one issue of the digest away. Seems a lot closer when you put it like that, doesn't it? Happy gaming.
Mark Cullinane
[email protected]