Feature: What are they saying?
Posted 14 Oct 2002 at 23:44 by guest
Ok so I showed you this screen of Super Mario Sunshine and the emails came flooding in of what Mario and even Toad may be saying..

So here are the best 3 emails I got for what Mario is saying:-
1: "I wondered whether Toad would see the funny side to the old "laxative in you drink" trick"
Thanks to Joe Mancell (rince128)
2: " Toad you really should ease off the vinadaloo!"
Thanks to Sriram Sivarajah (Nintendo)
3: "I've warned you about bringing man eating chocolate back to the island"
Thanks to Gary Whittle
So now we have had the best entries do you think you can do better? Here is another screen for you to tell me what Link is saying or thinking.

Here linkis talking to some guy in a field who doesnt look best pleased.
So what is he saying or doing to make the man so angry? Send me your emails and I will post the 3 best answers next week.