Feature: What We Want From Jim

Posted 30 Apr 2008 at 22:30 by Tom Phillips

Written by Mark Lee
Earthworm Jim is returning - here are ten things N-Europe desires of the upcoming title...
As last week’s news broke that Earthworm Jim would be making a return, a giant “GRROOOOVY” went out from N-Europe. And like everyone else we instantly listed the top things we wanted to see the legendary 90’s character bring back. Read on worm-lovers!
1. Jim must be tough...
Remember the original EWJ? Yes, forget the comedy-centric EWJ2 and you’ll soon see that Jim was a lot harder in his first outing. After all, the first three things Jim did in his first title were kill a crow, hang by his head whilst shooting a mutant dog and then use a fridge to launch a cow. We want that undertone to throb throughout EWJ’s vein(s?) all over again. Bring back the rock-hard Jim and we swear we will forget that he ever went 3D.
2. "THIS is an art attack..."
Cartoony is what suits Jim, yet the world around him must be grimy and dark. Remember ‘New Junk City’? And having a level set in the bowels of Hell? The future is desolate kids. And the juxtaposition between Jim and the dank world he occupies is what gave EWJ his fresh appeal. More of the same please!
3. Kick it old school...
With news that Doug TenNapel (original creator of Jim) is back on board, we whooped with delight as one of our most important prayers was answered. Not having TenNapel involved with EWJ is the equivalent of Miyamoto putting Mario up for adoption. Consider this box ticked already.
4. Flatworm...
After the glitch-fest that was EWJ 3D, we want Jim to go back to doing what he does best - playing in 2D. With a certain blue hedgehog trying to reclaim his glory in 2D, it just shows that there’s no shame in sticking to what you know. Throw in some fancy 3D effects (ala Sonic on the DS) and we promise we’ll be happy.
5. Whoa Nelly!
One of the best features of the original EWJ games was the brilliant audio and sound bites. If you’ve never heard EWJ’s interpretation of Mussorgsky’s Night On Bald Mountain you’ve never lived. We pray that Interplay and Doug TenNapel remember that when laying down the audio for Jim’s new adventure.
6. Animate me!
The original EWJ used ‘Animotion’ techniques pioneered by titles such as Aladdin (Megadrive version) and Cool Spot (the 7up legend) and therefore it was leagues ahead of anything at the time. With such excellent animation at times the world of EWJ was akin to a Saturday morning cartoon –especially those eccentric idle animations. Keeping with standards set, nothing less than perfect animation will do.
7. Laughing Stock...
With more bizarre features than Michael Jackson’s plastic surgery records, EWJ is the perfect vehicle for laugh out loud moments. Who can forget Level Ate (Geddit?), the stair lift sections in EWJ2 and the constant love for toilets? Nothing less than side-splitting will do.
8. I remember you!
Who can forget the excellent Psy-crow or Bob the Goldfish? With more memorable characters than a season of Friends, EWJ can recall many likeable characters. Who could forget Peter the puppy, Snott and Princess what’s-Her-Name? EWJ will need all of his friends (and enemies) to really bring his next adventure to life.
9. There be animals here...
Who can forget launching that cow, saving the puppies or carrying the pigs to the chute? Jim just wouldn’t be Jim if he wasn’t involved in a random animal scenario. EWJ lives and dies by humour and only farmyard animals spouting random one-liners will do.
10. Whip crackin’
With more smooth moves than a tee-total Justin Timberlake, Jim had it all. We just hope his helicopter head-spin, whip crack of the head and Indiana Jones head swinging returns. Add in some flicks/shakes of the Wii-mote to activate said moves and we will be happier than Peter the puppy...
But if we don’t get what we want, we WILL become Peter the puppy’s angry alter-ego. What do you think? Leave us your comments and suggestions below...