Feature: What Your MK Character Says About You

Posted 24 Apr 2008 at 16:50 by Tom Phillips

Written by "Dr." Mark Lee
We all have our favourite Mario Kart racers, but have you ever stopped to think why you prefer certain characters? N-Europe takes a shot at revealing the real reasons...
You like to be the recognised one when you enter a room. You're a laid back person with strong morals and you'll always try your hardest to become the best, even if your abilities aren't as good as others. You hope that skill and hard work will ultimately bring you glory. You have a blood-boiling hatred of loud, arrogant racers and wish for them to be lost amongst the stars of Rainbow Road.
Similar to Mario in the vein of having strong morals and being laid back. You feel challenged by others with higher abilities yet always rise to the task with intense, innate skill - but forever you feel you don't get the recognition you justifiably deserve. You have a deep desire to see the heavier racers disappear deep into Yoshi Falls.
Being a caring, laid back person you know you can enjoy the ride wherever it takes you. You appreciate the flowers, the sky and the incidental pixel art dotted around the Mushroom Kingdom. If you lose or win, you're not too bothered - you're too busy nursing those crushed by a Bullet Bill.
Sporting the outside appearance of Peach, you use this to your advantage as you deviously pretend to care - yet think nothing of distributing a blue shell on the last corner of a race. You're headstrong and hide the fact that your worst enemies are the smaller racers as they get in the way of your all-conquering dominance.
As a loyal servant you've waited on others many a time and been the shoulder to lean on in times of crisis. So when racing you feel like the "little guy" finally deserves to shine. You have a dislike of the bigger racers as they tend to barge you around, yet coming first and having your moment in the spotlight will make everyone see just how strong you really are.
Donkey Kong:
Being built like a tank may have its benefits out on the track but you're a big softy really. As equally forgetful as you are hairy, you have an urge to win if only to ensure that your hard-man image is kept up. Liking the smaller racers, you opt to dislike the bruisers of the road, hoping they meet their match by smashing into a troupe of moo moo's.
Wario & Waluigi:
Admit it, you've always got a scheme on the go. You would think nothing of harbouring three red shells for three laps whilst holding onto a golden mushroom. You like to show off your schemes and when it works it's time to sit back and enjoy the ensuing chaos. You show off your dislike for all other racers by your attitude that racing is only for those tough enough. Whoever crosses you better watch their back.
Everyone knows you as the moody one and everyone wants you to fail, yet you like those odds. You like to master the unlikeable and become the one who doesn't conform. You're a complex person and you think things through before committing to them. You've probably settled on Bowser just to cause outrage online. Your dislike of every other racer means that those hours spent time-trialling will prove invaluable in your quest for glory.
Yoshi & Koopa:
The elusive ones. Care-free and gentle on the outside... yet is that a blue shell I see tucked in your pocket? Those using Yoshi and Koopa may appear as if they are careless, yet they hide a deep, deep desire to see all those before them fail. The ones to watch... Especially on the final lap!
Your Mii:
You're comfortable with yourself, generally friendly and you like to add a touch of personality to what you do. You feel that your individuality stands you in good stead as extra motivation to win races. With that in mind you feel that you can be the next best thing out on the track. Your dislike for all things 'common' means you want to beat every racer out there.
So, who do you always race with? Let us know below why your character is the best...