It's the first anniversary of Super Smash Bros for Wii U

Posted 21 Nov 2015 at 09:35 by Dean Anderson
We here at N-Europe all love the Super Smash Bros series and as the newest entry in the series has turned one year old, we felt that it would be a nice opportunity to look back at how the series has changed, where it came from and just all round show how much we love the series.
Over the next week, we will be bestowing upon you a series of articles and features that chronicle the series and our own personal experiences with Smash Bros over the years.
Keep an eye out for a series of daily challenges that span across all five games in the series, as we lead up to the beginning of our very own online N-Europe Smash Bros Anniversary Tournament, which will take place over a period of three days starting from Saturday 28/11/15, the one year anniversary of Super Smash Bros for Wii U's release in Europe.
Detailed timing and scheduling for the N-Europe Super Smash Bros Anniversary Tournament will be announced later during this week. You can now register a place in the dedicated thread on the Nintendo Gaming section of our N-Europe Forums if you wish to take part.
Kicking off things is the first of our features; an interview with some of the UK's best Smash Bros players, which is now available for your reading pleasure.
You wont want to miss out on all the smashing fun, so keep you eyes peeled to the site and the forums over the coming week!