N-E Café Episode 21 arrives!

Posted 06 Apr 2020 at 11:18 by Dennis Tummers
The 21st episode of the N-E Café podcast is here, and thanks to some supersonic editing you can already enjoy it today instead of tomorrow. Isn't that a nice way to start the week?
First let's start with two shout-outs. One to Jonnas, who guessed that last week's transition tunes were from Ring Fit Adventure. Congrats! A second shout-out to the PodPals game for April. Ori and the Blind Forest got the most votes and is the winner. If you want to join in start playing the game (on any platform) and share your experiences. Our hosts will take them to heart in a future episode.
In the news section Greg, Lee and Nick share their enthusiasm for the supposed 3D Mario All-Stars game that is being teased by a number of gaming websites and ezines. And as always the crew takes us through their gaming week. What have they been playing?
The topic of the week takes a look on Nintendo's past, current and potential future controllers. From analogue triggers to touch screen input to waggle sticks, nothing seems to exotic for Nintendo. Our hosts analyze them and share their favourite method of input.
N-E Café [021] Controlling the Future
As always the newest episode of the N-E Café podcast can be found on all good podcast providers. Further it will be available soon on YouTube as well. If you want to start listening right away, you can do so via the link to SoundCloud posted below. We hope you enjoyed the 21st episode and we wish you a good week.
Episode 21 can now be found on all major podcast providers, so make sure to subscribe to the podcast on your provider of choice. This episode will be available later on the N-Europe YouTube channel as well. You can also start listening on SoundCloud right now. Enjoy!