N-E Café Episode 57 now available!

Posted 22 Dec 2020 at 22:08 by Sam C Gittins
Episode 57 of the N-E Café has hosts Lee Davies, Gregory Moffett and Nick Lone taking you through the most noteworthy Nintendo news, reviewing their recently played games, and a Big Topic appropriated from the N-Europe Forums all about Local and Competitive Online Play.
This is episode 57 of the N-E Café Podcast, an N-Europe Podcast. Enjoy!
This week, the boys talk about the latest Nintendo related gaming news of the past week, and the latest e-Shop games which have just been released. There's also plenty of gaming related discussion, including Nick playing a few rounds of Golf in PGA 2K21 on the Switch, is this version of the game on Par? Or is it a bit of a rough port?
Greg is crossing boss characters off the 'naughty list' in No More Heroes, and takes a leisurely bike ride at a brisk pace, in Lonely Mountains: Downhill.
Lee gets ready to crumble, as him and his son do battle in Cake Bash, compete as your favourite fondant, in an attempt to have the tastiest topping, in this freshly baked indie title. If you'd like to see the game in action, then check out Old Nintendo Gamer and Son on YouTube.
The big topic this week, is Local versus Online Gaming, do you play multiplayer games locally with friends? Do you find it easier to get a few games online due to it being easier? Or do you still manage to get lots of multiplayer gaming in, regardless of it being online or played locally? Indeed, if you'd like to join in with the discussion, then you can always do so in the N-E Café Podcast thread.
All of this, and much more is talked about in this latest episode, we hope that you enjoy it and without further ado, you can find the link below...
Episode 57 can now be found on all major podcast providers, so make sure to subscribe to the podcast on your provider of choice. This episode will be available later on the N-Europe YouTube channel as well. You can also start listening on SoundCloud right now. Enjoy!