N-E Café: Episode 7 has arrived!

Posted 19 Dec 2019 at 12:03 by Dennis Tummers
The year 2019 is drawing to an end, so naturally that means it's time for lists! But not before giving a shout-out to the winner of last week's transition tune: yours truly, wahey! Can you guess this week's tune? If so, make sure you share it with the crew for a chance on everlasting glory.
Sam is back as a guest and joins Lee, Greg and Nick when they discuss the result of last week's Game Awards. How did Nintendo fare, and are there any real surprises amongst the winners? And what's up with these Magic: The Gathering advertisements?
Naturally some games have been played this week. Sam checked out WayForward's beat-em-up River City Girls while Lee gave free-to-play Monster Hunter Lite Dauntless a go.
And then it is time for the big question: What is everyone's Game Of The Year? It turns out that making a Top 10 is harder than you might think. Was 2019 a bad year that missed killer titles, or has the crew just been busy playing older games picked up in one of the many sales?
N-E Café [007] Game of the Year
The seventh episode can be found on major podcast providers such as iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify. It will also be available soon on our N-Europe YouTube channel, or you can listen through it directly by clicking below. Enjoy!
Episode 7 can now be found on all major podcast providers, so make sure to subscribe to the podcast on your provider of choice. This episode will be available later on the N-Europe YouTube channel as well. You can also start listening on SoundCloud right now. Enjoy!