N-Europe Turns Twenty-Two

Posted 07 Jan 2020 at 14:22 by Sam C Gittins
Back in 1998 Tim Symons and Gerben Stevast started N64-Europe to celebrate their love for Nintendo's revolutionary console. Over the years the site would change names, first to Cube-Europe and then briefly to Revo-Europe (remember when the Wii was going to be called that?) before settling on N-Europe. Truthfully at the time we didn't really want to be called 'Wii-Europe', although the general aversion to that console name obviously faded, and someone suggested something much simpler: N-Europe.
During N-Europe's 22 years we've had four Editor-in-Chiefs (which means we've had more names than Editor-in-Chiefs) Tim, Conor, Tom and myself and our 22nd year has started with a new Editor-in-Chief; Sam.
Anyone that has read the site for the last few years will know Sam's name. He has been a dedicated contributor to the site and has done everything including news, reviews and features (his work on VC Weekly was remarkable) and has helped a lot behind the scenes as well.
After many years as Editor-in-Chief I will be stepping down to focus on personal things, but will be cropping up from time-to-time but I can't think of anyone better to see us through the next 22 years of N-Europe than Sam.
Former Editor-in-Chief
Ashley Jones
I'd like to say Thank You to Ashley for everything he has done for N-Europe, he's been staff for as long as I can remember being a member of the forum and probably even before that; he's seen the site through the success of the 3DS era, the lows of the Wii U (the Wii what?) and Nintendo's return to form with the Switch so I think he has earned a break and it means a lot to me that I was asked to take on the role of Editor-in-Chief at N-Europe as it's not something to be taken lightly.
I'm very grateful for this chance to do what I can for the site, we have a fantastic team of staff members both old and new who I've got a lot of confidence in and am proud to work alongside. During this year particularly I think my role has already shifted somewhat in the direction of providing support where it's needed, be that posting news or just helping out with articles, posting reviews and being involved with the podcasts.
When I first joined N-Europe in September of 2005 I was hired as a reviewer, I probably wrote most of my reviews during the VC Weekly years as I took it over as Jordan Khoviteri-Zadeh's successor, though I didn't quite know at the time just how many reviews I'd be letting myself in for writing, but it was good practice.
I felt like I'd found a bit of a niche in reviewing retro games for the site at the time; in recent years though I haven't written that many reviews and although it's something I would like to get back into when I can; there's still plenty of review experience I can continue to offer in an Editorial capacity.
Here's to Ashley, who I wish the very best to and hope that he'll still both write to us (on the forum) and for us (on the site) when he has the time because I really can't imagine this place without him as he'll always be 'oN-E of us' no matter where he goes in life.
Thank you to every member of staff at N-Europe, every forum member and every reader of our humble Nintendo website as well, because without you, we wouldn't be here and I can't imagine the internet without N-Europe so I'm going to do my very best not to break it while running the place; here's to 2020, the new decade and a N-Ew era for the site. (and yes, the N-E puns are staying, no N-Eed to worry)
(Also, I'd like to thank my family for being supportive of my 'videogame hobby' for many years and while it has taken over my life a bit, some semblance of balance is required, so I also pledge to improve how I live day-to-day in addition to contributing to this site)
Sam C Gittins
Of course, N-Europe means a lot of different things to different people and while I'd love to say that we have a lot of comments from our staff and forum members about their time here, in something which has become a bit of tradition over the years, we only remembered fairly recently about our upcoming anniversary of the site, despite writing it down on a piece of paper and everything!
(Fortunately, there was just enough time to make up a fancy banner for the occasion and I must publicly thank RedShell for making the very banner you see at the top of this article and just about every other graphic on the front page; the site really wouldn't look as great as it does without those excellent graphics.)
But our very own Dean Anderson (Dcubed on the forums) has written something short and sweet which I think really sums up what makes this place so unique and a great place to visit online.
I remember discovering the site when I was around 12-13 or so. Been posting here ever since then (back when it was still Cube Europe!).
Best part is that it hasn’t really changed all that much really. It’s still the cozy little Nintendo couch I know and love from back then.
Lovely peeps, lovely place: May it forever stay lovely!
N-Europe Staff Writer
Dean Anderson
N-Europe has been running independently for many years now, it's all kept running voluntarilly by our staff and members from our forum including londragon who heads up N-E Café which is our weekly podcast and Lazyboy who helms A Smashing Cast which is our video podcast where we play games while talking about them, not to mention our unofficial Top Ten article proof-reader Jonnas.
We fully intend to keep producing unique Nintendo-focused content for the forseeable future, while will include the aforementioned shows, regular news, features, reviews and much more besides. Of course we'll keep going for as long as we can but if you're a regular visitor to our forum then you might have noticed that we have a Patreon from which every penny goes back into keeping the N-E lights on.
Everyone here would like to say Thank You to each and every one of our Patreon supporters as while none of our content is dependent on being financed, the money which is donated to us certainly does help and who knows... in the future if we were to get more support on Patreon then maybe we could branch out a bit more; but whether you support the site financially or simply support the site by reading our articles or by visiting our forums, we're very grateful.
In any case, we'll continue to bring you the very best coverage we possibly can here at N-Europe, so here's to another couple of decades and beyond with any luck and if not then we'll certainly keep contributing to one of the best places on the internet for as long as we can.
Verdict: N-Europe is one of the best places to be on the internet, we hope you like it as much as we do.
That's it for another edition of VC Weekly the N-Europe Anniversary which will hopefully return again soon. So until then, enjoy whatever titles you might be playing and Game On!
And if you've like to get involved with N-Europe then please let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.