N-Europe's Top 50 Wii Games: #50-#41

Posted 01 Oct 2012 by Dean Jones
Due to an overwhelming response from you our readers and members... what originally set out as a quest to find the Top 25 Wii Games, has evolved into a Top 50 Wii Games! This has enabled us to successfully showcase the wonderful range of games that the Wii has to offer on a much granded scale. Even with 50 games there are still some great titles that didn’t make it on to the list; but what is impressive and sure to be a good sign for the Wii U, is that the vast majority of the games that did are exclusive to the Wii!
So thanks again for voting, and let's begin counting down N-Europe's Top 50 Wii Games!
When the mighty Steven Spielberg mentioned that he was creating a unique game for the Wii, everybody was excited. When BOOM BLOX was finally announced (under the original name Block Party) people were initially disappointed, but many soon changed their mind then they played it: it turns out that BOOM BLOX was a unique, imaginative and fun puzzle game. The sequel, BOOM BLOX Bash Party added even more variety, new gameplay elements and an enhanced multiplayer, improving upon the original in every way.
“Brilliant innovation, gave some good multiplayer fun with a decent single player; easily accessible to all and strangely satisfying.” - Rummy
“One of the best takes on a puzzle game and a very, very clever and ''moreish'' experience, great fun.” - JamieDaCosta
From the success of Rock Band - which took the Guitar Hero formula and expanded it to a lead guitar, bass guitar, drum and vocals - came a version which focused on legendary music band The Beatles. Bringing along an impressive array of Beatles songs, along with even more released as DLC, it provides fans of The Beatles with the perfect music game.
“This game and every single one of its DLC was and still is and will be for years be pure pleasure for me.” - dazzybee
“Take the popular plastic instrument rhythm genre and add the music catalogue of one of the world's most popular bands and you have one of the best music games available.” - welsh_gamer
Appearing as the second helping of the epic trifecta of JRPG games that Nintendo of Europe decided to bring over here (much to the annoyance of North American gamers) was the Last Story. From the same brain that created Final Fantasy The Last Story merged the traditional RPG formula with that of 3rd person shooters and real time strategies, giving gamers a unique and magical experience.
“Great story with some decent characters and a beautiful new real-time battle system second only to that of Xenoblades. Anyone who is a fan of JRPGs would adore this game. With any luck “The Last Story” might follow in the footsteps Hironobu Sakaguchi-sans other big game (you know what I’m talking about) and might not be so “final” either..” - Franklin Ó hAodha
Often compared to WarioWare, this minigame collection takes on a humorous musical guise - where both the humour was hilarious and the music was brilliant - in which you mainly use the A button, with the occasional use of the B button. The minigames heavily required timing your button presses in time with the music. Beat the Beat is one of those games that is truly difficult to express in writing, and needs to be played to be fully understood.
“Rhythm Paradise DS was excellent, but the precise controls here, along with the humorous 'missions' and catchy music made this version even better.” - welsh_gamer
This entry into the popular WarioWare series brought the microgame gameplay to the Wii. It was filled with many different intuitive uses for the Wii Remote. The multiplayer is one area where the game shined: It allowed many players to compete in pass-the-remote games, including one great one that allowed a multitude of players to take turns playing microgames of ever-increasing difficuty, with only one each. Last player alive won. Fun times.
"The perfect game for a right good laugh with friends or family alike that utilises the motion sensor Wiimote to its best ability Wario Ware : Smooth Moves is a game that never gets boring nor dated" - JamieDaCosta
“one of the most insane games in the Wii, and one that kept my housemates and I playing for a long time.” - bob
Fifteen years since the last game of the franchise, Nintendo decided to resurrect Punch-Out!! from the pit of unused franchises. Just like the original NES game, Punch-Out!! is about learning patterns and having quick reactions. It’s extremely challenging and requires to learn the tactics of all the characters - twice, the latter different and faster. It also faithfully retained the feeling of the original, creating a great sense of nostalgia for anyone who played the NES classic.
“This is how you should produce a remake, it totally gave me that 8-bit-era feeling back!“ - markderoos
After three successful minigame collections, the Rabbids decided to ditch both Rayman and the minigames in order to star in a brand new game - this time a platformer. The aim was the game was to collect as many objects as possible in order for the Rabbids to built a tower to reach the moon. You maneuvered a shopping cart, which had controls that were balanced so it was easy to use but still enabling difficult sections. It was filled with great humour for both adults and kids throughout the entire game.
"Rabbids Go Home, although a little unpolished, was a great game. I wouldn't mind another Rabbids platformer instead of a minigame collection." - Hero-of-Time
"Not the most polished game in the world, but it had me in stitches pretty much throughout the entire thing. Also, the "In Ze Remote" feature is undoubtedly the most creative use of the Wii Remote ever, by any developer... including Nintendo!" - RedShell
Opoona is a cute little guy oozing with charm. After a disaster during a family holiday, Opoona gets separated from his family and has to find them on a highly detailed, beautiful word. It features unique gameplay using just the Nunchuck to play and the battle system - the Active Bon-Bon Battle System - is a joy to play. While overlooked by many gamers, Opoona delivered an immense atmosphere, beautiful music and immersive world which struck at the heart of those who played it.
“This is another game where simply exploring is sooo satisfying - the cities are some of the largest I've ever seen in a traditional jrpg. It really has a unique vibe with great music and a clean cel-shaded style.“ - Lens of Truth
“What really sets this game though other than graphics and simple gameplay is the FREAKING MUSIC! Seriously, even if you don’t buy the game, you MUST buy the music I mean just listen to it!“ - killer kirby
A direct sequel to Path of Radiance on the GameCube and the tenth game in the Fire Emblem series, Radiant Dawn took a “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach and focused on what the fans of the franchise wanted: more of the great Fire Emblem battle system with a new story. Radiant Dawn was also a very challenging game, requiring players to put a lot of thought behind their tactics.
“This is the second best game in the series. Gameplay was refined to near-perfection, the soundtrack is orgasmic, the plot is actually quite good.” - Jonnas
While Legends of Rock was the third iteration of the popular Guitar Hero franchise, it was the first to make it to a Nintendo platform. With the brilliant guitar controller - made better on the Wii due to the Wii Remote’s rumble - and a great tracklist, Legends of Rock is seen by many as the height of the franchise.
“The Guitar Hero franchise has faded away, but in its glory days I played so much of this game” - mr-paul
So that's ten down and plenty more to go, join us next week for #40 - #31 as we continue our countdown of the greatest Wii games ever released.