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All N64 Games #57: Sumo 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

N64 Magazine gave this Japanese-only sumo wrestling a rather impressive 90%. Even so, I was surprised as to how much I actually enjoyed this.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #56: Automobili Lamborghini

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Another car racing game, and this one is a mixed bag. It’s an arcade-style racer but everyone begins on the starting line

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #55: Diddy Kong Racing

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Pretty much all racing games on the N64 so far have the same problem: there’s not a lot of progression for a single player. Which is where Diddy Kong Racing comes in.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #54: Pro Mahjong Extreme 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Another Mahjong game, and this one is the most basic one yet. There are a couple of main modes, either gambling or pro.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #53: Aero Fighters Assault

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

I very rarely suffer from motion sickness in video games, but Aero Fighters Assault was so nauseating that I got a pretty bad headache as a result.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #52: San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

When I hear the name “San Francisco Rush”, I think of one of this game’s sequels, 2049, as it was something N64 Magazine loved. I never saw a lot of discussion of the original.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #51: Puyo Puyo Sun 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

My main experience with Puyo Puyo is Dr Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine – a game I couldn’t enjoy because of colourblind issues, so I was dreading playing this one.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #50: Duke Nukem 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Duke Nukem 64 is a port of Duke Nukem 3D, a PC game from a 1995. It still retains that “DOOM” feeling, although the levels are much more 3D.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #49: Extreme-G

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

This is one I played a lot when I was younger. An extremely fast futuristic racing game on tron-like sci-fi motorbikes.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #48: NFL Quarterback Club 98

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Another American Football game released on the same day as Madden 64, and it feels mostly the same.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #47: Madden Football 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

So, American Football. I know almost nothing about it and this is my first proper experience with it.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #46: J.League Eleven Beat 1997

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

The fourth different football series for Japan, this one has a much more cartoony/anime style, and I think it suits he N64 quite well.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #45: ClayFighter 63⅓

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

The Clayfighter series are parody games that supposedly make fun of other fighting games. Previous entries made fun of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, while this one tackles Killer Instinct.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #44: Tommy Thunder

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Tommy Thunder was a game in development by Player 1. It eventually moved to the PlayStation before getting cancelled.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #43: Top Gear Rally

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Top Gear Rally was loved so much by N64 Magazine that they dropped Multi-Racing Championship’s score from 81% to 71%, claiming that it was scored high because it was first.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #42: Mace: The Dark Age

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Most of what I said about War Gods remains true to Mace: The Dark Age. It’s another bare bones Mortal Kombat clone with a small amount of 3D movement

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #41: Bomberman 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

Bomberman is a much loved multiplayer game, and with the Nintendo 64 having four controller ports built in, an N64 version seems like a no-brainer,

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #40: J.League Dynamite Soccer 64

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

The third Japanese football game has a very different feel to both Konami and EA’s games. On paper, this is easily the worst football game I’ve played so far and yet…it’s oddly enjoyable.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #39: Goldeneye 007

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

The legendary game GoldenEye. This is the game I got with my N64 and I spent all day searching around the dam level for bungee rope as it wasn’t in my inventory.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago



All N64 Games #38: Tetrisphere

Friday, 09 Aug 2024

If you thought that Tetrisphere is a Tetris-like game that is played on a sphere then, surprisingly, you would be wrong.

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Posted by Dean Jones 2 months ago

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