N-Europe Features
N-Europe's world renowned and knowledgable features can be found here...
N-Eaction: Pokémon Gotta Criticise 'em All!

Countering the common criticisms of the Pokémon series with a super-effective approach. Glen O'Brien puts the wonderful world of Pokémon to rights in such a way that only a true Pokémaniac can for the good of the series.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
E3 2019 Hands On

Nintendo's E3 2019 featured new entries in big franchises such as Pokémon, Zelda and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games as well as a variety of titles such as MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 3: The Black Order, New Super Lucky's Tale and Hollow Knight: Silksong. Find out what we thought about these titles as well as more in our hands on impressions.
Posted by Ashley Jones 5 years ago
N-Europe's Top Ten Game Boy Advance Games

It's that time of the year, no not the end of E3 but that time where the N-Europe community has spoken and produced the results for the sixth entry in a series of Top Ten articles where we find out which are the favourite games for each Nintendo platform. It's the turn of the Game Boy Advance, which considering the time it released in, was a true portable powerhouse that had an amazing selection of games. Did your favourite titles make it in? Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
N-Europe's Top Ten Game Boy Color Games

It's time, The N-Europe community has spoken and these are the results for the fifth entry in a series of Top Ten articles where we find out which are the favourite games for each Nintendo platform. Going from monochrome to colour with the Game Boy Color was considered quite the leap during the portable consoles time of release, so looking back it's interesting to see how many exclusive GBC titles we actually played, because although there were plenty of fantastic remakes, it's only the exclusive software for each format which counts here; making for quite a unique and exciting Top Ten series. Did your favourite games make it in? Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
N-Europe's Top Ten N64 Games

So we're finally here, uploading for you, if you know the games you can join in too, put your hands together, for the N64, as we take you through the games which we've scored. N-E, N-Europe's, Top Ten, N64 is here! [/DKrapintro] Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
N-Europe's Top Ten SNES Games

It's finally time, the N-Europe community has spoken and these are the results for the third Top Ten articles where we find out which are the favourite games for each Nintendo platform, continuing with the sensational 16-Bit powerhouse that is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System which pushed boundaries, cemented Nintendo's industry dominance in the 90's and created the templates for some of the greatest videogame series ever made. Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
Remembering the Nintendo GameCube

Seventeen years ago, the Nintendo GameCube was officially launched in Europe. Join us as we celebrate launch day and the life to date of Nintendo's first disc-based console.
Posted by Sam C Gittins 5 years ago
N-Europe's Top Ten Game Boy Games

It's that time again, the N-Europe community has spoken and these are the results for the second Top Ten articles where we find out which are the favourite games for each Nintendo platform, continuing with the original Game Boy which is surely responsible for creating many memorable, monochromatic masterpieces. Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
N-Europe's Top Ten NES Games

It's finally time, the N-Europe community has spoken and these are the results for the first of many Top Ten articles where we find out which are the favourite games for each Nintendo platform, starting off with the NES. Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Glen O'Brien 5 years ago
N-Europe Mario Kart League 2019

Want to show off your skills in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and face off against other N-Europe forum members? Then the N-Europe Mario Kart League 2019 may be just for you!
Posted by Dennis Tummers 6 years ago
Throwback Thursday #31 - Wario Land 4

The N-Europe forum has spoken and the first pick for the N-E Game Club was Wario Land 4. Join us on a trip back to the early days of the Game Boy Advance as we rediscover this gem!
Posted by Dennis Tummers 6 years ago
Pinball on the Switch: Stern Pinball Arcade vs Pinball FX3

Feeling all the bumpers, always playing clean!
Posted by Dennis Tummers 6 years ago
Remembering WiiWare #4

Still wondering what to spend those last Wii points on? Adam has a couple more highly recommended titles.
Posted by Adam Hirst 6 years ago
Remembering WiiWare #3

Even though it's now impossible to add any Wii points via the Wii Shop Channel, it is still possible to use up any remaining points until January 2019. So let's take a look at some of the other titles which Adam has played during the last days of the service being fully functional.
Posted by Adam Hirst 6 years ago
Remembering WiiWare #2

Today is the last day you will be able to add Wii Points via the Wii Shop Channel in order to purchase Virtual Console games (some which are exclusive to the Wii) and even more notably, WiiWare... most of which is all exclusive. The actual cut-off is 20:59 UK time. With that in mind, let's look at some of the other titles which Adam has been playing.
Posted by Adam Hirst 6 years ago
Remembering WiiWare #1

With the Wii Shop Channel fast-approaching the cut-off date for being able to add Wii Points. (26/03/2018) Regular N-Europe contributor Adam has been busy going through the best titles and some hidden gems that the service has to offer.
Posted by Adam Hirst 6 years ago
Throwback Thursday #30 - Kirby's Dream Land

With Kirby Star Allies launching this Friday, it is time to look back to where it all began for the pink blob. In the thirtieth Throwback Thursday I take you back to the start of my gaming career with Kirby's Dream Land for the original Game Boy.
Posted by Dennis Tummers 7 years ago
Fortnite or PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds on Switch could be the perfect entry to the new online services

Nutin' but a PUB-G thang...
Posted by Jonathan Stanley 7 years ago
Third parties on Nintendo: A change in approach

Previous Nintendo consoles have always lacked third party support compared to their predecessors, but the Nintendo Switch has turned this around. Thanks to strong indie support and even some big publishers getting on board, the Switch sets itself apart from Nintendo's other consoles. Guest writer Anil Parmar looks at what Nintendo has done to make this happen.
Posted by Anil Parmar 7 years ago
Talk about thinking outside the box...

Just when I thought I could guess Nintendo's next move, Labo comes out of nowhere as a potentially exciting new way to play. And now I have a child, I have every excuse to buy a set...
Posted by Jonathan Stanley 7 years ago
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