N-Europe Features
N-Europe's world renowned and knowledgable features can be found here...
Feature: They Think It's All Over
With all this talk of DS, some have suggested the Gamecube has become rather redundant. James doesn't agree.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: C-E Weekly Digest
Mark's back and so is the Digest. It's back to the norm this Sunday, folks.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: War In The Palm Of Your Hands
It's the night before the morning after folks. As Sunday approaches, our co-DS Editor James gives some final thoughts on the console.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #17
The social imapct of violent videogames debate is a tired one - we all know the answer. But what about the games themselves, is there a need for all this violence?
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Touch And Go!
The much-delayed second edition of Touch And Go focuses on the delightful wireless communication, a largely misunderstood area.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: GameOff #11
Last week's fury over Capcom ending Resident Evil's exclusivity revealed a section of Nintendo fans that are selfish, stupid and entirely missing the point, says Conor.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Staff Roundtable #104
A game may be the sum of its parts - but which part means the most to our staff? And not all of us said 'gameplay', you know...
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: C-E Gamecube Digest
A little change here: we've splitted the Digest into Gamecube and DS versions. Here's the former. Enjoy!
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #16
Games can scare you, or annoy you, or please you, or make you cry, or make you throw your console out the window in frustration..but what ones make you laugh? You know, intentionally.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Staff Roundtable #103
Retro is cool. We think. That being said, it's time for the CE team to go all nostalgic and delve back into their gaming favourites from time gone by.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #15
As gaming technology and narrative techniques have improved, plot and characterization have been given increasing prominence -so what are the best examples?
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #14
With Bush and Kerry going head to head for the world's top seat, everything's gone all political lately. With this in mind, we discuss videogames' relationship with politics.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: GameOff #10
This Xmas season is one of Nintendo's best in years. So why, then, will it almost certainly go unnoticed? A complete image overhaul is needed, says Conor.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Touch And Go!
Now that we're officially covering the Nintendo DS, it's time to start acting like it. We'll be looking at different features of it, as well as news roundup articles. Here's the first edition.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #13
The DS' debut in E3 sent fanboy fingers alight on the keyboard, with gushing praise for this daring new machine. But has the hype stood up over the months?
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #12
Not officially part of AC week, but nonetheless AC-related, Ninty's European attitude goes under the microscope.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #11
Up against the gaming behemoths of GTA: San Andreas and Halo 2, can anything Nintendo put out stand a chance? We asked, you responded.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: Public Roundtable #10
And so it begins. In the coming months publishers will be pushing wave after wave of games at us, like some absurd all-you-can-eat buffet. But what if you could only have one?
Posted by guest 20 years ago
Feature: C-E Fortnightly Digest
Lots of juicy news await you inside the latest Fortnightly Digest.
Posted by guest 20 years ago
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