N-Europe Features
N-Europe's world renowned and knowledgable features can be found here...
Feature: Most Anticipated Games of 2002
The results are finally in! After a week of checking my often-full mailbox, I now know your <b>Top 3 Most Anticipated Games of 2002</b>. <br>I'd like to thank you all for voting; this was just another demonstration of just how many Nintendo fans check out Cube Europe on a daily basis. <br><a href="specials/2002awards1.html"> >>>Most Anticipated Games of 2002!</a> <font size=1>Written by <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Gualtiero</a></font>
Posted by Gerben 22 years ago
Feature: Pokémon Mini
On March 15th Nintendo will bring their smallest handheld console to Europe, the <b>Pokémon Mini</b>. This tiny console will appeal to all young gamefans, anywhere, anytime.<br><a href="http://www.cube-europe.com/specials/pokemon-mini.html"> >>> Pokémon Mini</a>
Posted by Gerben 22 years ago
Feature: Mario or Link?
Are you ready to ruuuuummmmbbblllleeeeeeeeee? In the ring: Mario VS Link!
Posted by Tim Symons 23 years ago
Feature: Warning - Microsoft Approaching
Gary is back with his weekly feature! Head inside to read the feature about the approacing X-Box launch.
Posted by Tim Symons 23 years ago
Feature: C-E Digest (Catch up edition)
First off a big big apology for the lack of updates. I have recently returned to Uni and have been kind of busy but never fear because from now on I guarantee that Monday and Friday will see my columns.
Posted by Tim Symons 23 years ago
Feature: The World Of Gaming
""2001 has been a huge year for gaming even though it may not seem like it. The release of the Xbox and Gamecube, the demise of Sega and Sony having free reign as King of Consoles with it's PS2 have all being milestones in an industry which does not seem to be hit by the world economical situation..." Read on!"
Posted by Tim Symons 23 years ago
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