Retro: VC Weekly #107

Posted 08 Oct 2009 at 06:01 by Sam C Gittins
Welcome to VC Weekly, N-Europe's guide to the wonderful world of Nintendo's download service. Written by Sam C Gittins.
Yet another installment of a popular film to game conversion graces the VC. Anyway enough from me and on with the erm... game!
Available for download this week we have...
- Super Empire Strikes Back
Points: 800
Publisher: Lucas Arts
Developer: Sculptured Software
Released: 1994
System: SNES
While the first Star Wars title on the SNES was reasonably decent there were a few areas in which it was let down; these being the plot which didn't match/live up to the original film exactly and some sections where Mode 7 was used looked a mess in places not to mention the complete lack of a save system!
Fortunately all three of the above issues have been rectified in this sequel where sand is swapped for snow as you journey across Hoth which boasts far greater detail than Tatooine could ever hope for. The story is tightened up and there is finally a much needed password system that's been implemented so that you don't have to play the whole thing in one go if you don't want to, of course you can still use the 'save state' feature but it's always nice to have the extra option there.
Improvements to how the game actually plays includes a very useful double-jump move, the ability to look up down to see higher/lower while stationary plus you can now run and gun without stopping. All of these simple additions make the game much better to play but they do nothing to ease the intense difficulty which has been carried over from the prequel; for those who have played Super Star Wars though it may not seem quite as bad.
Everything looks and sounds a lot better too with some particularly impressive set-pieces including one level where you get to fly around in the Millennium Falcon taking out Tie Fighters which is particularly well done and satisfying to boot, like the majority of the game.
Overall it's an excellent title which easily manages to better its slightly lacking predecessor in every respect and it does so with aplomb. Fans will no doubt love this but if you only plan on picking up one of the two available titles then make it this one because the force is just that little bit stronger here.
Verdict : The force is strong in this one.
That's it for another installment of VC Weekly which will return again soon. So until then, enjoy the rest of the week and Game On!
Sam Gittins
[email protected]
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