Retro: VC Weekly #108

Posted 16 Oct 2009 at 06:42 by Sam C Gittins
Welcome to VC Weekly, N-Europe's guide to the wonderful world of Nintendo's download service. Written by Sam C Gittins.
Nintendo have 'generously' thrown us a couple of small VC morsels for our simple enjoyment this time around. Anyway enough from me and on with the games!
Available for download this week we have...
- Wonderboy III : The Dragon's Trap
- Final Fight 2
Points: 500
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Westone
Released: 1989
System: Master System
You'd be forgiven for thinking that you've seen this game on the VC before because basically a technically superior version has been available for some time in the form of Dragon's Curse on the Turbografx and only for one hundred points more too. So you may ask yourself why you would want this if you'd already picked up the 16-bit equivalent, well basically there is little point but if you don't own either than both are actually viable choices.
This is of course the original game and as technically inferior to the 're-release' as it may be it's still a monumental achievement for the meager Master System that it was made for. A direct sequel to the previous game it sees Wonder Boy start out in the final lair of the previous game; what sets it apart from the other games is that it takes the best RPG/Platforming elements and adds in Metroid style exploration plus the ability to morph into different creatures, granting you access to previously inaccessible areas.
Forms include hawk, lion, lizard, mouse and piranha each of which excel in certain areas and are weak in others with your original human form still remaining the strongest overall; though it is the abilities of these altered forms that you are required to utilise in order to progress further in the game. Seemingly obvious is that the mouse form allows you to access small gaps while the hawk form allows you to fly high; it's a decent dynamic that works wonderfully.
Otherwise it's business as usual, defeating enemies will garner currency that allows you to level up your character; you can upgrade your sword and armour at certain points and of course there are a host of beastly bosses to defeat along the way. For a Master System game what has been achieved graphically is rather impressive even if it does sadly suffer from flicker, audio isn't quite as good, indeed if you want the best of both worlds then go for the technically superior Turbografx version but this is still a viable option.
Easily the best Wonder Boy game available, if you want to play it in its original form then by all means go for this version as it has a certain 'charm' that the superior re-skinned port just doesn't have. Ultimately it's up to you but rest assured that whichever version you choose, it's an excellent game indeed.
Verdict : Another wonderful Wonderboy title.
Points: 800
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Released: 1993
System: SNES
When the original Final Fight was released on the VC it was a tad disappointing being that it didn't have the full selection of characters from the original version, a boss omission and no two player mode. Final Fight 2 seems to have been released solely on the SNES to alleviate these issues, adding two unknown characters to the already established Haggar who is off to save Guy's girlfriend Rena and her father; presumably Guy is sitting this one out because he's too weak or can't be bothered to save them himself, whatever the reason only Haggar has returned from the original trio.
Everything is pretty much unchanged from the first Final Fight as you make your way across streets beating the crap out of various thugs etc in an attempt to make it from one end of the stage to the other where you'll do battle with a boss, beat them, start the next area, rinse and repeat. It may sound slightly repetitive and it is but it's enjoyable and is one of those experiences where linearity works in its favour.
Accompanying characters Carlos and Maki are actually pretty similar to Cody and Guy - which begs the question why they didn't just stick with the originals - in the way that they fight, each have their pros and cons and you won't have any trouble picking your favourite type of character.
Other than that it all plays the same as the first and everything from enemies to areas have just been re-skinned really, of course overall the original is still better but at least this semi-sequel addresses the issues of the poorly ported SNES original, reinstating features that should have been there in the first place.
If you've never played a Final Fight game then get the original because even with the lacking stuff it's still better than this because for all its substance it lacks the style and charm of the first, not to mention the music is better. Which you choose though is up to you but whichever you decide to give a try you'll be sure to get some enjoyment out of either, just be aware that each has their individual pros and cons.
Verdict : A satisfying sequel but nothing more.
That's it for another installment of VC Weekly which will return again soon. So until then, enjoy the rest of the week and Game On!
Sam Gittins
[email protected]
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