Retro: VC Weekly #112

Posted 11 Nov 2009 at 06:49 by Sam C Gittins
Welcome to VC Weekly, N-Europe's guide to the wonderful world of Nintendo's download service. Written by Sam C Gittins.
An old arcade game that spawned a series of legendary sequels has been added to the VC but is it any good anymore? Anyway enough from me and on with the erm... game!
Available for download this week we have...
- Fighting Street
Points: 800
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Released: 1987
System: Turbografx
Nearly everyone knows about the legendary Street Fighter II and the huge amounts of success that its enjoyed over the years but what of the game that started it all? After it had enjoyed a certain amount of praise in arcades Capcom then went about porting it to various home platforms including the CD-based Turbografx which is arguably the best port even though that isn't really saying much.
Why the pessimism? The original Street Fighter � or Fighting Street as it was re-labeled � just isn't even up to half the standard of its superior sequel and playing it today is something of a chore so don't say that you haven't been forewarned.
You pick a fighter and then battle with the very limited move-set that you have at your disposal, one button punches and the other kicks while pressing the d-pad either up,down or right/left controls the type of attack. Unfortunately your attacks don't go very far meaning you have to be extremely close to your enemy to even land a hit despite the fact that they will always have a longer reach than you which is a tad bothersome to say the least.
Playing through the single player mode you will fight ten opponents with the last being Sagat, this is easily the best mode as you get to fight characters with varied moves against some reasonably nice backdrops, the two-player is best avoided however unless you really want to reenact the same Ryu VS Ken battle over and over again. To break things up - quite literally - there is a mini-game in the story mode where you can break a brick with your fist to win extra credits but it doesn't really save the game from becoming repetitive.
Really the genre has moved on a hell of a lot since this games original release and going back to this from the fighting games of today is mostly just a painful experience; enthusiasts of the series may get some enjoyment out of it but genuinely it's not worth even half the points that it costs even to satisfy your curiosity let alone eight hundred.
Verdict : If you really like Street Fighter then play the superior sequels instead.
That's it for another installment of VC Weekly which will return again soon. So until then, enjoy the rest of the week and Game On!
Sam Gittins
[email protected]
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