Retro: VC Weekly #43

Posted 18 Dec 2007 at 00:41 by Sam C Gittins
Welcome to VC Weekly, N-Europe's guide to the wonderful world of Nintendo's download service. Written by Sam C Gittins.
Another triple bill this week with one title even hitting the VC a few days early and with additional features to boot; the other two are standard incarnations however it bodes well for the possibility of more such examples taking advantage of the Wii's capabilities in the future. Anyway enough from me and on with the games!
Available for download this week we have...
- Pokémon Snap
- Megaman 2
- Top Hunters : Roddy and Cathy
Points: 1000
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Hal
Released: 2000
System: N64
Initially this may seem like an odd concept but it actually works really well as it's a Pokémon game but instead of the joy derived from encasing the various creatures in small, round spherical objects and making them fight for money, you now take pictures of them and in order to fill your album you've gotta snap em all!
Set on a distant land with the overwhelmingly original name of Pokémon Island you meet up with Professor Oak who sets you (his new apprentice Todd) the task (i.e he couldn't be bothered to do it himself) of taking pictures of all sixty-three different types of Pokémon to the best of your ability.
Taking place across seven separate stages (including the final obtainable stage) you play a photographic passenger inside the Zero-One which is an on-rails transportation device which will take you across a beach, through a river and even past an active volcano on your quest for taking the most perfect Pokémon pictures possible.
All the main big names are here from the early era of the games from the plucky Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle to the majestic and malevolent legendary Mon's such as Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and many more besides. You get to take up to sixty shots per course of which you must select one of each type to present to the professor for points which you will receive based primarily on points and positioning.
Bonuses are awarded for various techniques such as grouping together multiple monsters in a single picture, likewise more can be scored if they are facing toward you or pulling off a pose. Items in the way of apples can be used to lure them out whereas pester balls will anger them and playing the Poke-flute can yield some quite frankly strange results but as a general rule, the more interesting the shot the better.
Overall it's a relatively laid back experience which isn't a bad thing just don't expect it to last you more than a few hours; visually the N64 is capable of more but then this was the first proper 3D Pokémon game and is impressive for it's time as well as having some reasonably decent background music. Pokémon Snap still remains the fun and enjoyable yet whimsical experience that it always was retaining it's charm and even managing to acquire added functionality in the process by way of being able to send the photos you have taken to other Wii's which ensures that this underrated classic just got better.
Verdict : Picture perfect Pokémon photography.
Points: 500
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Released: 1990
System: NES
With solid foundations laid by the original Capcom then released this, the sequel which is arguably the best in the series. Taking everything from the original, making it a bit longer and slightly more forgiving in it's difficulty (the original was notorious for it's characteristic challenge) is the template thats been followed and it works well.
Set after the events of the original Dr. Wily was defeated by Mega Man and imprisoned; he then escaped and created eight Robot Overlords to aid him in his bid for taking over the world. Once more it's down to Mega Man who sets off to stop the ebil doctor and his disturbed imagination hell bent on world domination.
Yeah same old plot, that aside well, it's actually more of the same the whole way through the game; new weapons are acquired from each robotic end of level boss that you defeat . As well as those you can also get three context sensitive items which can help you cross gaps and get to out of reach ledges; another item that makes things that little bit easier is the E-tank which completely restores your health.
Each of the games individual stages are as impeccably designed as the originals, bosses are still challenging but noticeably easier as you are no longer limited to only using the weapon that they are weak to as you can use your default blaster, granted it may take longer but the option does make things a lot more straightforward.
Notably the best in the series for many reasons including the improved graphics and the sumptuous accompanying score not to mention the best bosses but what really sets it apart is being the only game in the original series to include a difficulty select making it more accessible to all. Easily one of the better NES platform games coming second only really to Super Mario Bros 3 but if you want an addictive alternative then look no further.
Verdict : Megaman's most masterful mission to date.
Points: 900
Publisher: SNK
Developer: SNK
Released: 1994
System: NeoGeo
At some point it's quite possible that you may have played one of the numerous Metal Slug games by SNK, if you have then this is essentially the same thing, from the same developer except with a distinct style which really comes into it's own in it's two-player cooperative mode.
You take on the role of either the titular Roddy or Cathy and must progress through a selection of distinctly different stages set on different planets which include the flora and fauna of the forest, lakes of lava on the fire and frozen facets found on the ice planets.
Each level has two boss encounters and you can tell exactly how far away you are from these thanks the the meter at the bottom of the screen. The encounters themselves are reasonably challenging but nothing terribly taxing, likewise the gameplay revolves around eliminating enemies on a set A to B path from start to finish, jumping on their heads, beating them up or using a few standard guns; best of all though is the robotic suit that you can use at certain points which lets you wreak wreckage upon everything in glorious Metal Slug fashion.
Astounding visuals really bring this game to life with lots of subtle touches often found in many NeoGeo games; leaves blow blissfully in the wind, lava bubbles in the background and ice shimmers on the surface, really aesthetically pleasing stuff. The music isn't too bad either, while not astound it does add a little more to the game even if it's mostly instantly forgettable in among the ever amassing on-screen action.
Make no mistake, this isn't quite as good as the aforementioned Metal Slug games but it's easily one of the next best things, it's recommended that you play it's co-op mode though to get the most of it but it's nonetheless enjoyable even on solo setting. If your curious about the Metal Slug series or don't own the collection then this serves as a nice introduction that will keep you happy for a good few hours.
Verdict : A terrific taster of the Metal Slug series.
Thats it for another installment of VC Weekly which will return again soon. So until then, enjoy the rest of the week and Game On!
Sam Gittins
[email protected]