The 20th N-E Café is here!

Posted 31 Mar 2020 at 08:46 by Dennis Tummers
For the 20th time the N-E Café opens to bring you all the latest news from the world of Nintendo and gaming. And it's a long one, with an elaborate discussion about last week's surprise Direct.
But first your attention for PodPals, an initiative where the community votes for a game that will be played by our hosts and by everyone who wants to join in. After playing opinions will be collected and featured on the podcast.
This round of PodPals is all about modern Metroidvanias, and the shortlist is Ori and the Blind Forest, Axiom Verge and Steamworld Dig. Which game do you want to star? Cast your vote on Twitter or on our N-Europe forum.
This week Nick has been playing Pokémon Let's Go. Having fond memories of Red/Blue, what does he think of this remake? Lee has been messing around with Pikuniku, which was heavily discounted on the eShop last week. Meanwhile Greg started a spontaneous session of Star Wars Episode I: Racer on his N64 while recording the podcast.
The big question for our hosts comes from forum member Ealdst, who wonders: "Is there any franchise or single game/unreleased concept that would you like to see get a new instalment on Switch?". Needless to say there is plenty to discuss here.
N-E Café [020] The Smallest Direct Ever
The newest episode of the N-E Café podcast can be found on all good podcast providers, and will soon be available on YouTube as well. If you want to start listening right away, you can do so via the link to SoundCloud posted below. As always we hope you enjoy it, thanks for listening!
Episode 20 can now be found on all major podcast providers, so make sure to subscribe to the podcast on your provider of choice. This episode will be available later on the N-Europe YouTube channel as well. You can also start listening on SoundCloud right now. Enjoy!