VC Weekly 235

Posted 31 Mar 2013 at 11:40 by Sam C Gittins
Welcome to VC Weekly, N-Europe’s guide to the wonderful world of Nintendo’s download service. Written by Sam C Gittins
A good week for anyone who likes a bit of boxing as here we have what just might be one of the first truly definitive games of the genre. Anyway enough from me and on with the game!
Available for download this week we have...
Punch Out!!
Price: GB £4.49, EU €4.99 (£0.30/€0.30 until 21/04/13)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Released: 1987
System: NES
This title is notorious for being an extremely difficult game, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that many maybe haven't played this cult-classic but to those that have they most likely have a rather intense love/hate relationship with it.. Punch-Out!! Originally released back in the arcades in the early 80's is a simple boxing game and if you've played Wii Sports boxing, it's basically an even simpler version with a small story tacked on, it's an experience that's easy to pick up yet hard to master.
You play as "Little Mac" a boxer so short he has to jump up at his enemies to hit them. Not only is this genius in terms of a narrative, but it means that your character never gets in the way of the action, you can always see what your enemy is doing. Not only is the main character fantastic, but your enemies are completely unique and memorable from the second you see them, from the first fighter Glass Joe "Don't hit me in the chin!" all the way up to Don Flamenco.
The game has a number of "circuits" which you have to play through. You start in Minor and work your way up to the World Circuit and eventually against The Dream Fight. The only difference is, this game doesn't have Mike Tyson. Nintendo no longer own the rights to have him in any game they release: due to this he isn't included in the Virtual Console release and instead you fight "Mr. Dream".
Graphically, this game is amazing. For its time, Punch-Out!! Was very colourful and had an incredible amount of fighters for you to go up against. The musical score is also recognisable by anyone who has played Wario Ware or those who know of a certain incredibly politically incorrect internet fad featuring the scene where Doc Louis is riding a bike which was a parody of the game as it's full of pumping midi beats.
Overall this game does have a rather steep learning curve which may turn some people away but that doesn't stop it from being awesome in every way. If you're a boxing fan or even just a fan of quirky games then this is worth picking up for the trial price as it's most certainly worth that just for it having 60Hz support. Also it's worth noting that because it now has Miiverse integration you may see yourself getting more involved with the game than you may have previously, because the community is rather fantastic indeed and while it doesn't instantly make the game better it does spur you on to keep playing.
Verdict : A brilliant game if you enjoy a good bout of boxing.
That's it for another installment of VC Weekly which will return again soon. So until then, enjoy the rest of the week and Game On!