VC Weekly 372

Posted 03 Apr 2016 at 23:58 by Sam C Gittins
Welcome to VC Weekly, N-Europe’s guide to the wonderful world of Nintendo’s download service. Written by Sam C Gittins
One of the original launch games for the Wii Virtual Console finally arrives on the Wii U in style as they don't get much better than this gem. Anyway enough from me and on with the game!
Available for download this week we have...

Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Released: 1997
System: N64
Indeed while this isn't the first appearance for Mario Kart 64 on the Virtual Console, it is new to VC Weekly as it predates the very first written article as VCW #1 only came about when Jordan Khoviteri-Zadeh the original creator of the now well-known site feature started writing mere months after the service went live, so in a sense we've been playing catch-up all along but at least today a significant entry can be made thanks to the addition of this definitive version of the classic N64 kart racer. Yes we finally have access to 60Hz Mario Kart 64 which is cause for celebration in itself as while the speed difference might not seem that significant in certain genres of games, for anything involving vehicles the difference is huge to the point of my eyes being opened to the joys of this amazing game once more which is quite an achievement some nearly twenty years on from its original release.
Much of the charm Mario Kart 64 has seems to be partly due to its simplicity as even though the series has evolved into something which encompasses a large roster of characters, a multitude of tracks, varied vehicles with interchangable parts plus even DLC and a fully functioning online mode... sometimes it's just nice to be limited to eight characters all driving things which still resemble go-karts along sixteen simple yet enjoyable tracks with the option to play alone or against three other players; what more could you possibly ask for? Of course it's not just that alone as there's also the really well-honed driving mechanics which improve upon those important foundations laid down by Super Mario Kart by bringing them into real three-dimensional space yet they still have that classic feel just like in the Mode-7 original, power-sliding feels natural as you boost around every corner in an attempt to better the competition while being careful not to go too close to the edge of the track where your traction will deplete or you might meet with water-hazards or worse if you go off course, that constant element of risk versus reward is ever-present here and it's glorious.
Watch those sparks fly as you skid along the glorious polygonal tracks!
Even though I can clearly remember playing through the entire experience twice over on both the N64 plus the Wii Virtual Console versions, here it feels fresher thanks to the increased speed afforded by the fact that this Wii U incarnation is how the game really should have been originally sold to us as the extra speed really does give things a new lease of life, from the moment Lakitu's light goes green to the chequered flag flying freely it really does amplify the atmosphere as you zip along the wonderfully varied tracks. One thing which hasn't changed though is the awful rubber-banding from the A.I which is still ever-present sadly so good luck if you intend to clear all of the races across all of the difficulties in first place as the computer players will always have other ideas, though restore points might normally be frowned upon I don't think anyone would think any less of you for creating one any time you are significantly ahead of the pack in a race because the lead very rarely lasts, one small slip-up and you'll see yourself go from first to last in a fraction of the time it took you to fight to the front and then the battle starts all over again as you are slammed by shells as every character passes you, this is particularly annoying if you happen to spin out on the final corner as it feels as if the win is literally stolen from you.
There are plenty of items to help you regain the upper hand though, things like triple shells became standard in this version, there are Golden Mushrooms which give you infinite boost power for a limited time plus of course the now infamous Blue Shell though this one trails the ground instead of flying in like a death-missile in recent versions it's still one to watch out for, plus of course you have your usual items such as single Green & Red Shells, Banana Skins, Mushrooms, Starman for invincibility and the Lightning Bolt which is still a joy to use just as it is a curse to be hit by. All of the courses feel fantastic thanks to the relatively new invention of polygons at the time which allowed for flat race courses to suddenly become rollercoasters of excitement as the surfaces dip and rise as you race along them, sometimes you'd even get flung across a large gap by a boost pad then landing on the ground with a "Thud!" punctuated by a visible cartoon-like word effect as this happened or even when you jump not to mention when colliding with others as well; things like this just helped to bring the experience to life even more coupled with the excellent selection of tracks including some new favourites such as Moo Moo Farm, Toad's Turnpike, Koopa Troopa Beach and my personal favourite which is Kalimari Desert famed for its train which you can try to beat across the tracks before it runs you over, there are many shortcuts to try to master as well which will surely keep you coming back for more mayhem.
Well it would be rude NOT to visit ones own castle now wouldn't it?
Speaking of mayhem the multiplayer modes were clearly where most of Mario Kart 64's finest moments were forged from, as not only could you race against each other in up to four-player split-screen mode - though apparently there is a lack of music if you play with three or more people - but there was also the now legendary battle mode in which you are tasked with bursting the other players three balloons which has since gone on to be the most fondly remembered in the series history; four players on the Block Fort stage... need I say more? Even though this is almost certainly the definitive release of this classic it must be noted that the controller pak still hasn't been emulated yet so if you were hoping to be able to save your Time Trial ghosts then think again, yet it's a small part of the experience overall which doesn't hurt things too much it would still be nice if one day this feature could be replicated, at least everything else should be as you remember it though, you can still drive all the way up to Peach's Castle on Royal Raceway afterall which is something you can only do in the N64 game.
Visually this is a title which has a strong identity as everything from the characters to the karts are perfectly modelled, plenty of attention to detail went into the various course elements as well including some sizable moving objects which can double-up as hazards plus a decent amount of trackside detail too. On the audio side of things you can't really fault the game either as you have the rousing title theme complete with Charles Martinet as the voice of Mario saying "Welcome to Mario Kart!" along with other phrases which just help to connect all of the game elements together seamlessly, then you have the comedic bounce of the jump sound effect, each characters cry of anguish as their kart spins out and their victory sound bites - especially Toad's I'm the BEST! - not to mention the soundtrack itself which is pure Nintendo bliss as each course is accompanied by brilliant music which I challenge anyone to be playing and not grinning from ear-to-ear while doing so.
Toad takes a trip down Rainbow Road, sees himself in the sky, standard.
With plenty of reasons to love it I don't see any reason why Mario Kart 64 shouldn't be enjoyed just as much today as it was back in the day of its original release, thanks to the Miiverse community there is at least an unofficial way of sharing ones Time Trial efforts even if they can't be preserved in the game itself plus it's great to be able to get the benefit of other players wisdom on how to perfect a play-style or find all the short-cuts as there are some of us who have been playing the game a lot since it came out last century so those of you who are new to this landmark title can learn a fair amount! Of course just taken at face value without any modern additions, the gameplay still remains king which is what's important here, this is one of the most significant entries in the series which every gamer really needs to play if they haven't already because just about every single kart-racer right up to today borrows elements from it in one form or another; but don't just play it because you feel you have to, simply play it because you want to as ultimately you are missing out on something special if this has evaded you for most of your life.
That's it for another installment of VC Weekly which will return again soon. So until then, enjoy the rest of the week and Game On!