Game Details: Aggressive Inline
A new title in the expanding Extreme Sports catagory. Unlike other Extreme Sports this time you are not on a skateboard of bike, this time you are on inline skates.Because the sport doesn't have the pulling power of his skateboarding coutnerpart (and maybe because the Birdman wasn't on the cover) Aggressive Inline never did as well as it deserved. It's a shame really; Acclaim may have produced some truly forgettable titles on the GC before they bit the big one, but this was not one of them.Highly recommended.
News about Aggressive Inline for Gamecube
News: Aggressive Inline
Acclaim has released new information on <b>Aggressive Inline</b>. Read it all inside, along with 19 new screenshots.
Posted by Gerben 22 years ago
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Platform: Gamecube
Developer: Z-Axis
Publisher: Acclaim
Memory: 57
Genre: Extreme Sports
Players: 2

Release Date:
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
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