Game Details: Capcom vs SNK: Chaos

The sequal to the hit game Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO is due to be released this summer. The game will have the usual cast of characters such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li etc but also newcomers Hugo and Earthquake.There will also be three play modes, "Simple", "Speedy", and "Insight" and the gameplay will be different for each.
News about Capcom vs SNK: Chaos for Gamecube
E3 2003: Capcom vs SNK: Chaos
The E3 unleashed new screens and vids of Capcom vs SNK: Chaos.
Posted by Tim Symons 21 years ago
News: Capcom vs SNK: Chaos
A sequel is being made for the Gamecube, find out all the details inside!
Posted by Ashley Jones 21 years ago
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Not Yet Rated
Platform: Gamecube
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Fighting
Players: 2
Release Date:
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
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