Game Details: Command & Conquer

The classic RTS title heads to N64.

Original N64europe Review

Command & Conquer, a game that showed the PC how a war strategy game should really be. Obviously from the previous success that C&C; was on the PC, the Nintendo 64 was due to complimet the noble return of the war strategy game, unfortunately I believe that it may be just a a couple of years late and a couple of configurations short of a great game.

The story to Command and Conquer is the basic war of good versus evil with a small twist, There are two story lines, the bad guys who are named "Botherhood of NOD" (NOD) and are lead by a vile character KANE, and the all noble good guys named "Global Defense Initiative" (GDI) backed by an alliance with the United Nations, in which you can choose to be either side....Good or Evil...hmmmmm, heheheh. From the beginning you will immediatly notice how the position of "Good" or "Evil" greatly influences the style of gameplay, tactics, and vehicles in the game. (My preferred) NOD forces have a more dark and destructive style of tactics and vehicles, while the do gooding GDI has a more pure strategical style of gameplay about them and more swift vehicles over destructive.

The graphics in C&C; are very well done, especially if you are a veteran of the PC version. The new 3D terrains are a much better and preffered battle ground over the flat and unvisually impressive terrains of the PC version, but the vehicles and men are not as well done though. It is neat to see it all in 3-D, but due to the more blurry look of the vehicles and people, confusion becomes an all to easy site as you begin to play, mistakes of light tanks over heavy tanks, minigunners over engineers, occur often especially in the heat of battle where precious seconds count, and where your quick thinking and ability to pick out the correct unit within the thick of battle will ultimatly decide the outcome depending on your choice.

The sound in C&C; is excellent, listening to the small soldiers of the opposing team screaming in agony, yelling as the final bullet rips through there bodies sending them to there grave is GREAT. And the overpowering sound of an explosion when your enemy's stronghold goes down in a great blaze of fire. Having every mission spoken to you in audio is nice, the woman's voice is especially nice and truley puts you at ease and ready to destroy the next unlocky bastard who dare mess with you.

The gameplay in C&C; is very well done, strategy is everything, though when C&C; originaly came out for the PC which was in 1995. Strategy was not as demanding, but now in 1999 where the same strategic style of C&C; arrived on the N64, the style and demand of strategy within a war based simulation game is much higher, that is where I believe C&C; ultimatly is dragged down. The game boasts great strategy simuations in which you either have to setup a secure base and gather resources, you have to prepare for the enemy (which you know is on the way), or you are given a handfull of soldiers and vehicles and are told to completely obliterate the entire army of your opponent. Each presents its own set of interesting challenges, but for all that it is, no one down here can completely understand why multiplayer never made it on to the N64 version. I was looking forward to using my newly honed skills against a more worthy adversary.....a human opponent. But alas it never came to be.

All and all this a great game which could have been better had it gotten multiplayer, but never the less it is a great buy and is worth the money....but if you are new to war strategy rent it first.

- by Josh Crockett

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