Game Details: Cruis’n USA
Put pedal to metal and hang on for a wild ride across the highways of America! Race along LA freeways, across the deserts of Arizona and to the nation’s capital Washington DC, experiencing the thrills of street racing while taking in famous sights like the Golden Gate Bridge, the Grand Canyon and the White House.
Based on the hit arcade game, Cruis’n USA features a wide selection of cars, from ‘60s muscle motors to Italian-styled sports models. Compete solo in a 14-stage cross country marathon, or go head-to-head with a friend in split-screen two-player mode.
Original N64magazine review:
Racing with cars through the United States. It sounds like a good idea for a racing game. But the makers of Cruis ‘n Usa f*cked it up. Everything in the game is loosy, the graphics, the gameplay etc. Let me explain.
At the beginning of the game you can choose between different cars from a copcar till a Ferrari look a like. Pick the car you want and the action can begin...NOT! When I was racing I hadn’t the feeling if I was racing. It was more like pushing some buttons and you win the race. Even the most difficult corners you can take easily. The graphics are more 16-bit like and are boring. Sometimes I had the feeling I was driving the same parts again and again. Maybe the programmers repeated the same corners to safe time or something, but it sucks heavily. The only positive thing in this game is the nice girl who shows you the cup when you win the race.
If you’re an experienced gamer you’ll play through this game in an half hour, even if you play it for the first time! It isn’t worth to buy this game. Money enough? Still don’t buy this game, but give it to us. But you wanna see the girl? Buy a magazine. It’s a shame that a game like this is released on the Nintendo 64.
- by Flip van Zoest
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Not Yet Rated
Platform: Nintendo 64
Developer: Williams
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Racing
Players: 1-2

Release Date:
30 Jan 1998
Out now or N/A
03 Dec 1996
Out now or N/A
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