Game Details: Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets

Take the wheel of a flying car and don't be late for a second term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardryä in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretsä! Based on J.K. Rowling's second book in the worldwide best-selling series, players face a magical multitude of new challenges and mysteries as the famous "Boy Who Lived".Ignoring Dobbyä the house-elf's grave warning that disaster will strike if he returns to Hogwarts, Harry embarks on his second year to find Dobby's predictions coming true! Harry soon finds himself entangled in a dark plot against his "Mudblood" classmates, as students keep turning up petrified! Could Draco Malfoyä be to blame, or is something even more malevolent at work? With the help of returning friends Hermione, Ron, Hagridä and Hedwigä, players attend new classes to learn second-year spells that will aid them in a quest to uncover the true identity of the "Heir of Slytherin".Players enter fantastical free-roaming 3D environments from Harry's world. Players become Harry Potterä and delve not only into Harry's world, but also into his personality, via an internal "voice." Conversing with unique characters like Moaning Myrtleä, shopping in Diagon Alleyä, and exploring the convoluted corridors of Hogwarts, players make crucial and independent decisions within Harry's world. Additionally, Harry can, of course, cast spells against foes - but these spells must be perfectly executed, or they could be miscast with humorous or critical consequences! Mini-games within levels can be revisited, so players can help Mrs. Weasley with "de-gnoming" her garden, challenge other students in Professor Lockhart's Dueling Club, or complete other mini-games again and again.
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Platform: Gamecube
Developer: Eurocom
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Memory: 4
Genre: Adventure

Release Date:
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