Game Details: Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius:Jet Fusion
In an attempt to take over the world, Professor Calamitus has kidnapped the one person who could possibly stop him, Jet Fusion (one of the greatest spies/ movie stars)! However, he never thought that a boy genius would be brought into the picture. Jimmy Neutron has been contacted by the BTSO: Big Top Secret Organization to rescue Jet Fusion. This game will include crazy inventions created by Jimmy Neutron to battle bullies and take on the evil Prof. Calamitus. The spy element also allows the game to include secret gadgets and high-tech vehicles such as the light ray, Jimmy Bot and Trajectory that will definitely aid Jimmy on his mission to rescue Jet Fusion.
News about Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius:Jet Fusion for Gamecube
News: Jimmy Neutron Jet Fusion Details
Inside we have the first details, and packshot, of Jimmy Neutron Jet Fusion also known as Jimmy Neutron 2.
Posted by Tim Symons 21 years ago
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Not Yet Rated
Platform: Gamecube
Developer: THQ
Publisher: THQ / Nickelodeon Interactive
Memory: 1
Genre: Action
Players: 1

Release Date:
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
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