Game Details: Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

In the game you play Larry Lovage, a hopeless in love college kid. When he hears about a TV dating game that is coming to college he sets out to find love, but things don't always go as planned.
News about Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude for Gamecube
News: Leisure-less Cube

Vivendi Universal have recently updated their website with projected release dates and forthcoming projects, and it would seem that the Cube is no longer a platform of Leisure.
Posted by Iun Hockley 21 years ago
News: Leisure Suit Larry Is Back *
Vivendi Universal are to release a new Leisure Suit Larry game! <strong>Update: First screens and trailer!</strong>
Posted by Ashley Jones 21 years ago
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Not Yet Rated
Platform: Gamecube
Developer: High Voltage Software
Publisher: Vivendi Universal
Genre: Action/Adventure
Release Date:
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
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