Game Details: Lost in Blue DS
Lost In Blue tells the tale of two young people stranded on an island, and forces you to get by a la TV shows like "Survivor". You'll have to make fire, hunt animals, fish in the water and possibly befriend a volleyball, all using the DS' touch panel to emphasise the physicality of your predicament.We don't have any impressions to go on yet, but the game definitely looks interesting, blending the aforementioned touch-sensitive abilities with more traditional platform and adventure elements. The visuals are pleasing, but we doubt the environments will be as grand as in something like Ico, which the mutual relationship backbone of the game is based on.
News about Lost in Blue DS for DS
News: New Trailer For Lost In Blue!

Konami have revealed a new trailer for their island-survival game Lost in Blue!
Posted by Tom Phillips 19 years ago
News: Lost in Blue Update

Konami has released new facts and screens in Leipzig showing off <em>Lost in Blue</em>, an adventure game for the Nintendo DS.
Posted by Tim Symons 19 years ago
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Platform: DS
Developer: Konami Hawaii
Publisher: Konami
Genre: Adventure
Players: 2
Release Date:
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
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