Game Details: Madden Football 64

The first American Football game on N64

Original N64europe Review

When I first got madden, I thought it was just going to be like one of the the PC games. Slow and easy. But then Madden on Nintendo 64 was fast loading, and easy to play. On the PC, (Madden 98) you have about four buttons to push to do different tricks and suff. The Madden on Nintendo 64 is one of the best sports games ever for any nintendo console. Some people compare it to the NFL Quarterback club 98, and that is also a great game. If you want to see good graphics, I would choose to get QBC but if you wanted a better gameplay, I would choose Madden. One of the good things about the game is that they use real players in the NFL, and that is usally a plus on sports games. One disadvantage though is that they can't use the teams logo's or helmets. The Maden style of games is usally good because his games are usally good for any system. I first rented it thinking it wasn't going to be that great, but then after the first game I just thought to myself wow, I wanna play again! And when I returned it, I goyt back home and all my games seemed to be either boring or old. The thing about madden is that you really don't get tired of it like some other games (aka Crusin' USA) and you can keep playing this over and over again. It is really good for something to do over the holidays too.

Another plus about this game is the hits of players are 10 times better than any other football game I have played. When you hit somebody, you can hear it like it was right there in front of you. When you hit somebody real hard, they sometimes do flips or knock them back about 5 yards. But along with those kind of hits also comes injuries. Some people like to see some injuries but it could get frustrating if your first string quarterback and runningback were out for two weeks.

Another good feature of this game is creating players. I know most games feature this option, but in this game you can create a 7'2" 400 pound player, and he shows up like a monster. He towers above everyone else and can plow through the offense or defensive line. Sometimes it might not be fair to be able to knock every one down, but hey it's fun.

One of the great things that they do for you on this game is to automatically do instant replays if they think it was a good play. Yo! u can do replays anytime yourself, but sometimes if it is a sack, great run, or great catch, they will give you the instant replay as you were looking out of the helmet of the player. This looks scary sometimes if you are the quarterback and you are about to get sacked by a 300 pound defensive lineman. But if you have a great run for about 35 yards, it looks really cool from inside the helmet. So next time you want to buy a game I consider getting Madden 64.

- by Stephen Nash

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