NBA Hangtime

Game Details: NBA Hangtime

The spiritual sucessor to NBA Jam. 

Original N64europe review

If you consider NBA HANGTIME to be a normal sportsgame, you got to admit that it isn't a very good one. The players are 2 dimensional, you play with only two players a team, the moves you make are unrealistic and the options are poor. Your only choise is to play a single game or to play a tournament, but you do have the choise out of all 29 teams from the NBA competition. The game also has a four player option.

I don't consider NBA HANGTIME to be a normal sportsgame. It's more like a dull, comical game with basketball as its starting-point. If you look at the players in the game, they look more like cartoon figures then like men. The spectacular dunks they make aren't realastic and aren't suppose to be realistic, they're just cool. An other surplus of the game is the cool comment the commentator gives. It varys from "for two points" to "boom shakalaka" and "slammajammadingdong". This is pretty funny. Another thing that increases the comical aspect of the game is the "create player" option. You can decide how fast a player is, how big, how good he shoots and how good he blocks, the coolest option of "create player" is that you can choos a head for your player. Of cours you can give him or her a normal white or black head, but you can also give him an alien,bull,frankenstein,lion or a chicken head. This very cool. You can also give your player a nickname which fits his looks. If you play with a character who looks like Frankenstein it's funny when the commentator calls him Frankie.

One time I created a player and started a game with him ,when the game started all the players on the court had the size of lilliputian. I don't know how I did it but it ruled!

The Hip Hop-soundtrack with raps from "M doc" is fat. It's a shame you only hear it at half time when you can change your players. The rest music you hear during the game is of poor quality.

- by Gerben Stavast

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