PictoChat DS

Game Details: PictoChat DS

This lovely little built in package will allow up to 16 players who can use the wireless functions to link together and exchange instant messages or drawings. The bottom screen shows a standard keyboard, while instant messages from other users appear in the top screen. Players can type text messages using the keyboard, use the stylus to send messages in their own handwriting or simply draw and transmit a picture. If another user sends a picture, the recipient can modify it and send it back. Play a game of wireless virtual hangman or send covert messages to other users..

News about PictoChat DS for DS




Rumours: Pictochat Wi-Fi

Wednesday, 13 Apr 2005

This might be the proof of the Wi-Fi PictoChat...

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Posted by guest 19 years ago




PictoChat DS

Wednesday, 17 Nov 2004

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Posted by WIldo 19 years ago

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