Game Details: Red Steel

First person shooter with sword fighting sections.The first Wii game to be unveiled courtesy of a world exclusive from American magazine Game Informer (issue 157). And set to be a Wii launch title.Apparently the angle of the gun will depend on the angle you hold the Revolution controller, meaning the angle you hold your controller at will be exactly mimiced by the game character hold a gun or sword. Also you can reload your gun by "pulling" the controller back and the possiblity of both split screen and online modes.-During the beginning of the game, you are encouraged to use your weapons ruthlessly, but as the game progresses you become more proficient and strategic. This gameplay idea led Ubisoft to decide to give the game a martial arts setting. "Enter the Yakuza"-The first third of the game will be all about being "brutal by necessity"-You will be less precise and favor more devastating weapons (machine guns)-As you progress and become more precise, smaller guns will be used-"The to use five bullets to kill five enemies"-"When fighting with this level of skill, the music and sound effects will reflect it, remaining calm and peaceful"-"When you fight brutally, the sounds around you grow increasingly more intense"-Freeze shot: by fighting effciently you fill the Freeze Shot gauge...fighting chaotically causes to decreases-When the gauge is filled you can hit a button to momentarily stop time, and then target specific locations on enemy bodies-Headshots thus are tempting, but non lethal shots, such as shooting guns out of enemy hand, can be more beneficial-By defeating high ranking leaders who command others and sparing their lives, you will be rewarded. He will offer you respect and help (guns, help, new weapons, alternate paths, etc)-Respect plays a MAJOR part in the game-Flailing your sword isn't a smart idea-Specific motions with the controller will trigger combos (in the final game)-Tracing an X in the air, for instance, will unleash a devastating attack-You can stop these combos at any time by simply pausing your own movement. So if you do something that leaves you open to attack, you won't be screwed-New moves will be taught to you by two mentors in the game-One will teach you gun tactics, and another will teach sword tactics-If you don't show the proper respect to them, they won't help you-Friendly/respectful interaction is tied to the controller-You signal "yes/no" answers by nodding the controller up or down or shaking it from side to side-You show extra respect by bowing to the masters-Ubisoft is still coming up with other interactions-"You can act disrespectively as well: there are no cut scenes in the game - all conversations take place in game, as in Half Life 2. However unlike that game, characters wont keep prattling on if you walk away from them. They will react angrily to your imputent behavior"-Staying in the master's good graces is key: they give you missions that can be tackled in any order-You track down the gang leaders and try to turn them to your side. If you don't, they will join Tokai's (the main villian) gang-You have to prove you are worthy to them by battling them and sparing their lives.-You will need as many of them with you as possible to face Tokai. Without their help, you'll have a rough time when you finally face him-You turn gang leaders to your side by besting them in battle and stopping a deadly blow miliseconds before it strikes-Training sessions are offered by the two masters so you can hone your skillsMultiplayer:-Split screen multiplayer with traditional deathmatches-Totally original multiplayer modes Ubisoft is not revealing yet. Wait until E3-They didn't talk about Nintendo Wi Fi (NDAs). Full details haven't been revealed yet-Revolution works by placing a small sensor bar either above or below any TV-You can stand at any angle and not lose any accuracy. You can even take your controller to a friend's house and instantly start playing without syncing up the controller-"Perhaps most impressive is the fact that although splitscreen reduces the amount of onscreen space you are playing in, you don't have to make smaller movements - you can gesture as wildly as you want, and it won't interfere with the other player's onscreen quadrants-AI characters will care for themselves. They will go for cover, attack you while you're reloading. They focus on risk management-"They won't walk around a table to get to you. They will simply jump over the table"-"The benchmark for their intelligence and aggressiveness, is the PC title F.E.A.R., which has widely been praised for it's AI"

News about Red Steel for Wii




News: Red Steel Soundtrack Now Available

Monday, 21 May 2007

The soundtrack of the game reaches iTunes, and the CD will soon reach stores...

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Posted by Dean Jones 17 years ago




News: Red Steel Characters Revealed

Tuesday, 14 Nov 2006

More game information on fighting in the game, and a look at some of the title's many characters - all inside!

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Posted by Tom Phillips 17 years ago




News: New Red Steel Multiplayer Footage

Friday, 27 Oct 2006

""You are the target!""

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Posted by Fierce_Link 17 years ago




News: More Red Steel Screens

Thursday, 24 Aug 2006

Another batch of pretty pictures from the West-meets-East shoot/slash-em-up...

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




Interview: Red Steel's Stephane Bachelet

Wednesday, 23 Aug 2006

How will <em>Red Steel</em> look? Questions answered inside by the graphical director of Ubisoft's hot Wii exclusive.

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




News: New Red Steel Trailer

Wednesday, 23 Aug 2006

Fresh from Leipzig!

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Posted by Fierce_Link 18 years ago




News: Red Steel To Cost $12.75 Million

Friday, 11 Aug 2006

But all relatively cheap, compared to if the title had been developed for 360 or PS3...

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




News: Red Steel - Meet the Yakuza

Saturday, 29 Jul 2006

New details on the storyline and characters have surfaced. <strong>Updated!</strong>

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Posted by Fierce_Link 18 years ago




E3 2006: Red Steel Trailer

Wednesday, 10 May 2006

If you're the slightest bit unsure whether <em>Red Steel</em> is an essential purchase or not, this video will convince you - and then some.

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




News: Ubisoft Montreal Talk Revolution

Friday, 14 Apr 2006

More talk from Ubisoft bigging up Nintendo's next console wonder, and promising more titles to come...

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




News: Red Steel Officially Announced

Wednesday, 12 Apr 2006

Ubisoft has released a press release officially confirming the existence of this Revolution FPS.<br> <strong>Update:</strong> Teaser site launched...

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Posted by guest 18 years ago




News: More Red Steel Info

Sunday, 09 Apr 2006

Want more details on Ubisoft's newly revealed <em>Red Steel</em> for Revolution? We've got a load of tasty tidbits inside...

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




News: First Revolution Screenshots

Friday, 07 Apr 2006

In a rather surprising turn of events, the first screenshots of a Revolution title were released today, thanks to Game Informer magazine. The title in question is <em>Red Steel</em>, created by Ubisoft. Head inside for the visual delights.

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Posted by Ashley Jones 18 years ago




News: Violent Sword-Fighting Game For Revolution

Friday, 31 Mar 2006

The Revolution will be getting a totally exclusive sword-fighting game, courtesy of an un-named third party! Details inside...

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Posted by Tom Phillips 18 years ago




Red Steel

Wednesday, 14 Jun 2006

Nik expressives a few gruffles with this after taking a hold of the Katana and guns for himself...

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Posted by Nik 18 years ago




Red Steel

Monday, 10 Apr 2006

The first Rev FPS info... what are you waiting for?

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Posted by Nik 18 years ago

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