Game Details: Resonance

The game will feature a new third-person camera system, which will replace the traditional "Resident Evil" style fixed camera. Additionally, the game seeks to combine traditional Survival-Horror scares with more RPG elements. What could this mean? Could it be there will be some kind of "levelling" system in the game? Only time will really tell, and we expect more details on this particular game at E3.
News about Resonance for Gamecube
News: Neocell Factorys' Resonance!

Neocell Factory does Survival-Horror, Inquisition style!
Posted by Iun Hockley 20 years ago
Game Summary
N-Europe Score
Not Yet Rated
Platform: Gamecube
Developer: Neocell Factoyr
Publisher: TBA
Genre: Survival-Horror
Release Date:
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
Out now or N/A
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