Game Details: Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA

An arcade racing game for N64.

Original N64europe review

When I first got this game I knew I was in for hours of gameplay, and boy was I right. I was a huge fan of SFR, which is obviously the same engine used on Rush 2 but many enhancments. I palyed this game all night on a school night and I didn't care the game was just to irresistable.

Graphics-8, The graphics stay solid throughout the game, and never fail. The bright polygons kick ass. But their are graphical glithces in the game. The graphics are nothing special here but not bad at all. If you (by glitch) fly over a gaurd rail then you'll go trough the buildings and ground and just land in the middle of nowhere(316th demension) as a call it. Although detail lacks in the game soemtimes. Overall the graphics are just solid and don't dissapoint.

Game Design-9, wow it is almost perfect i'd have to say. You can rome everywhere in the level, and the level's are huge. Now the design of the game was to feel a rush of speed and hit big air(or that's why we buy the game). The stunt track is to die for and the NY levels are fun as hell. Jumping into the air for 20 seconds well you can, I timed it with the fastest car i earned. And driving in the subway is just plain out fun. The design of the levels like the first is exactly iddentical to the actual place. Already with 10 known tracks, their may be more to come when we look back at SFR.

Play Control-7.5, Much improved but still is hard to make some tight turns, like in SFR. But just make your vehical heavy and it will make turns flawless.

Replay value-10, Wow does this game hit every mark in replay value. many Secrets tons of Cheats, Change around levels, tons of cars, Shorcuts, Big jumps to go find, just plain out fun.

Other pluses- Customize car is really fun. Their is a gigantic Cheat Menu. And of you can make tracks Backward or Mirror which is lots of replay.

Overall-If you hated SFR then rent this game i wouldn't say purchase. If you liked SFR get the damn game now no questions asked. This game is easily the best on the system.

- By FIXXER815

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