Game Details: Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers

A point and click adventure in first person.

Orignial N64europe Review

Shadowgate is a thinking game, you have to watch for little things, (ie. keys, papers, bottles... you get the jist of it) if you don't you won't really care for this game because you won't be able to get past the wall. The graphics for this game were a bit disappointing, the characters were big blocky and moved too slowly, and looked all around goofy sometimes. The game itself is very good though, a good story line, and an intriguing main character makes this an excelent sequal to its predasesor.

In this game you take on the role of Del, a half elf half human, who is traveling by the legendary Shadowgate castle, which is unofficially taken over by thieves and bandits, when the criminals abduct him and throw him in the ancient dungeon. You discover a drain pipe and go down it. Later on in the game you meet the sorceror Lamkir who basically asks you to save the world, and of course you will that is what the whole game is about! Well I haven't yet had time to beat it, but I have got about half way... I think. The object is to stop the evil sorcrer Belzar from releasing the big bad Warlock dude from his other worldly prison that you put him in some other game. Basically every object in the game has a purpose, so everything you see, pick up and keep for later in the game.

The game uses the memory card, and if you don't have on but you feel like renting or buying this game you had best buy one. I did not have one when I rented this game, so after getting farly far by pausing it and shutting off the screen and going to do other stuff and then falling through a stupid hole, I immediatly went to the local game store and bought myself one. My goodness! if you don't have one by now... Buy one!! Well anyways back to the game. The controls are similar to those of Turok, except for the shooting and jumping, and after playing this and then playing GoldenEye, I lost pathetically to my friend because whenever I went to go, well, I looked down... this is something I am very ashamed of, so do me a favour, and don't tell anyone, good. The game takes about fifteen minutes to half an hour to get the hang of, but after that it gets sort of easy. The game is probably around five to ten hours, like I said I have not beaten it. The sound is a bit ch! eesy and not worth much but all togeather the game play is quite good.

My suggestion is if you liked the other ones, go out and rent this one, because other than its mediocre graphics and sound it is a wonderful game. And if you don't usually play these types of games rent it anyway for a little while, I think you will still like it. Oh yeah, remember... memory pak

- by Mr. William McCormick

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