Game Details: Superman: The New Superman Adventures

Superman makes his way to the N64

Origial N64europe Review

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, its the man of steel.....SUPERMAN........or is it? The kid fan favorite superman making appearances in cartoons and comics, its no surprise that the great man of steel has made his way to the N64. Titus took on the great project with high hopes, everyone down here began to imagine flying through the air going from one vilian to the next rescuing women and beating up the bad guys left and right, searching the vast metropolis for evil..........hmmmm, but thats when reality struck and the real Superman for the N64 finally arrived, all that was imagined died as the switch for the N64 was flipped into the ON position.

First off, the man of steel who is invincible to anything, gets hurt by just about EVERYTHING. As you begin the game, it gives you no good opening sequence, just a couple of stills of the company who brought this Crappy....oops I mean great game to the N64, then you are given a choice of wether you want superman in ENGLISH, SPANISH, or FRENCH..........hmmm, I will take english, then a couple of squares come flying down and shows you the game.......then you hear "In Time your fate will be sealed, Superman"....hmm sounds pretty good, then the game really starts.....Titus's concept for gameplay is idiotic in itself, you have to flying through a series of extra large fruit loop rings until you reach the end, then you are given a goal at which you must complete a super hero task, which then it really isnt that super heroish at all, like in the first level you must grab the moving car before it hits the IDIOT IN THE ROAD WHO WONT MOVE because if he moved then you'd be out of a super hero job.....after swooping down and throwing the car into the foggy distance, you are then told to "Solve my maze Superman" which is just more fruit loop flying, at which you then have another super hero task. Use your freeze breath to destroy dangerous tornados which are heading AWAY from the city, C'MON!!!, if they were maybe heading toward a hospital or something then they would be worth destroying, BUT NO, they are leaving the city all I press the freeze breath button........beep...beep, hmm it seems I DONT HAVE ANY FREEZE BREATH, I found out that you have to FIND your super powers, turns out there is a freeze breath icon on the ground.....HMM, guess superman just craps his powers out while flying and has to pick them up every so often.....

Any way the graphics in superman are anything but super, though there not TOO bad, they are mediocore at best, they seem to have a cartoonish look at which Titus's excuse is that you are trapped in a virtual reality version of Metropolis...........yeah right. The graphics though, are ok, but the only problem is that there is MAJOR fog. We are talking extreme fog, and what doesn't make sense is that there is a ton of fog for a game that's graphics are good enough to warrant having so much fog........................

Then we come to sound, sound is crappy to say the least, there seem to be about 15 sound effects to the whole game....thats it!!! Yeah, for the maybe three different types of bad guys for the WHOLE GAME there seems to be that same wonderful "arghh" as you punch the bad graphic plagued drones. The music is ok, it is actually the best part of the sound altogether.

Now control, the controls in superman are excellent, just a few tid bits to learn but flying is easy and pretty tight, taking off and landing is just within the push of a button, punching and kicking is also easy plus fun b/c of superman's strength. Using supermans powers is pretty well thought out to, each of your c-buttons excluding the bottom c-button is a power, X-ray, Heat vision, and freeze breath.

All together superman is a mediocore game that could have been much more but do to a plague of delays and problems it is a miracle that it ever hit store shelves, this I STRONGLY suggest you rent before you buy. Though this really seems like a title for the younger audience......

- By Josh Crocket

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