Game Details: Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Bigger with more Dinosaurs.

Original N64europe Review

Thud..........Thud......Thud.....Thud....Thud...Thud..You pause in your tracks as the footsteps grow closer and closer, our hero grips the handle of his rocket launcher tightly, as you stare attentivly at the TV screen from the comfort reaches of your home, A T-Rex jumps out of the bushes and you realize that you have now entered the world of Turok once again.....welcome back to the Lost Lands.

The story behind Turok2 is a different story all together...(Instead of just saying that some how Campaigner was not destroyed and came back to life.) A very long time ago an alien spaceship came crashing down to earth and held within its halls was an army of alien warriors lead by Primagen. Primagen is some how trapped within his ship but does manage to unleash his warriors and turn dinosaurs into killer machines. Primagen is one of the most horrid villians yet on a video game. He has a nasty attitude and will show no mercy on anyone or anything. Once again the game will be based off of the comic book series. And the view will retain the good old first person perspective like it's predecessor. Igauna Entertainment is going to focus on exploration and action istead of linear gameplay and lots of jumping. Some levels you will have to go back to unlock previously restricted or cut-off areas which will enhance the gameplay factor greatly. Plus Iguana is going to add multiplayer capabilities this time around. And the overall feel of the game will be much tighter.

The graphics in Turok2 are sure to make any gameplayer die happy. One of the things that Iguana is weeding out this time is the problem that Turok1 had.. .......and that was "FOG." But now you can nearly see to the end of the gaming enviroment. All the weapons are light based and are extremely well animated. The textures and designs in the levels surpass what Turok1 achieved. There is more interactivity with the enviroment. And right down to the smallest thing like a cobweb blowing in the wind will not be missed.

The sound in Turok2 is completly perfect, it creates a mind numbing enviroment that leaves you hanging on the end of your seat as you progress further and deeper into the game. The music that Acclaim has recorded for Turok2 would make all other games jealous.........every piece of music is precicely placed in the right level and truely brings out the game. The Controls are exactly the same as in Turok 1... so it won't be very difficult to get used to them In overall Turok 2 is a perfect game and definatly woth buying... Espacially when you are the owner of a N64 RAM Pak!! It makes the game look even better!

- By Josh Crockett

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