Game Details: World Driver Championship

A racing game from Boss Game Studios

Original N64europe Review

"WOW", that's the first thing I said when I first got this game, and I am sure, actually VERY sure many games across the US said the same thing I did. First of all let me start out by simply saying this, if your the type that LOVES games like Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Kart, or games like that this game is a game that you would not even want to get CLOSE too, unless of course the game looked so tempting you just had to start to like "realistic" racers, and believe me, it's that type of game. World Driver Championship (WDC) is a great game, and the first of it's type for N64. Top Gear Rally was really close to being called a "realistic" racer, by my book it wasn't but that's just because of the fact that it did have much detail, other than damage to the cars, but even that wasn't very cool, but that's a whole different story, lets not even start to talk about that. WDC is so perfect it's almost amazing that Nintendo didn't even make the game. Made by Boss Games, which has a h! istory with racers, WDC has graphics that'll make you want more and cars that look so real, you fell like you just bought them. but first things first, The graphics in WDC are easily some of the best around, for some reason the graphics remind me of the game "Motored", don't ask me why but they just do! My favorite thing to do to show off the graphics is to be on a track that's at night, and put the camera at the front of your car (this is done by pressing top c) and look at your car with all the other cars behind it, that all have their head lights on, it is so cool look'n you'd have to see it to believe it.

Now let me tell you about the sound, there is not much to talk about, it's catchy but that's a BAD thing, it repeats about every minute and right after that all I do is turn it off. I wish Boss would have put some type of MP3 formatted music in this game like they did with Top Gear Overdrive, now that was music! But to tell you the truth, the music was the only thing I hated about the game and that's it, so if you can ignore the music, then this game is PERFECT, and I really mean that.

The Cars in WDC, are the best I've seen in along time, I mean there's everything, the Viper, (my personal favorite) a Mustang, a Porsche, just to name a few, all together there is 34 cars and 1 secret from what I can see. (I haven't passed the game yet!) But having 20 cars alone makes a good variety, but 34, MAN!!!

And speaking of variety, there is also 10 tracks, which may not sound like many, but you still have to figure in each track can be mirrored, backwards, and each track has 3 dirrerent routes, which makes the game have over 100 tracks, there is not 1, count emm.. not 1 other game on 64 that can even come close too that!

All in all, this game kicks major booty, I also have to add that the way the cars go around corners, spin out, and slide, is so cool, they look so real. They really put some major time into making this game and I think you should put some MAJOR time into playing this game, if you plan on not buying it, then at test rent it, and maybe you will realize how FUN this game is. One Quick warning though, the first few cars you have at the beginning of the game REALLY SUCK, but as soon as you rack up some points and your rank goes up, you'll be glad you didn't quit!

- by Mr. Bigglesworth

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