Affordable Space Adventures releasing in April

Posted 11 Mar 2015 at 17:24 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo has confirmed that Affordable Space Adventures will release on the Wii eShop in Europe on April 9th.
Affordable Space Adventures has long been tipped as one of the most exciting indie titles to come to the eShop. It is a collaboration between two studios Nintendo gamers may already be familiar with - Nifflas has developed critically acclaimed eShop hits Night Sky and Knytt Underground, whilst Knapnok Games brought the weird and... erm... weird Spin The Bottle: Bumpie's Party to Wii U.
Stealthy exploration and mind-bending puzzles are the order of the day in Affordable Space Adventures, as you try to navigate your budget-priced vessel across a hostile but beautiful world.
Check out the launch trailer below.