Aonuma earmarks E3 2014 for Zelda Wii U news

Posted 15 Oct 2013 at 15:23 by Aaron Clegg
Lead producer of the Legend of Zelda series Eiji Aonuma has implied that we may not hear the first real details about the next main entry until deep into next year.
In an interview with Mashable (via ONM), Aonuma answered a question regarding the Wii U Zelda title with "I'll say more at E3 2014".
It means we may have to wait many more months until Nintendo divulges even the first details about the hotly anticipated Wii U title.
However, Aonuma did offer some hints about the direction the development team was taking, acknowledging the open-world nature of the recently-remastered Wind Waker, and fan complaints that 2011's Skyward Sword felt too narrow in comparison.
Earlier this month, Aonuma also hinted that he wanted the Wii U Zelda title to be a less 'traditional' experience.