Aonuma teases Zelda Wii U, but says wait for E3

Eiji Aonuma has been stirring up a bit of Zelda hype just in time for Christmas, although we're still in for a wait before we get a further look at the hotly-anticipated Wii U iteration.

In an interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu (via Nintendo Everything), the series producer claimed that the current build of the game looks "more amazing than what was shown at E3" - which would be quite a feat given how far our socks were blown off earlier this year.

He also spoke a little cryptically about the short scene which was shown in the E3 teaser, which showed Link flee from - and utlimately engage - a huge monster roaming the overworld. "If an enemy like this appears, how would you beat it?" he asked, adding that this sort of question is at the heart of the team's approach to developing the game.

When can we see for ourselves how 'amazing' Zelda Wii U looks? Aonuma would only commit to saying Nintendo might have something to show by E3 2015. Bummer.

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