April Fool: Perfect Dark cell-shaded
Posted 01 Apr 2002 at 06:04 by Gerben
An anonymous source at Rare has revealed to us that Perfect Dark Zero, the sequel to the N64 superhit Perfect Dark, will be cell-shaded!
He said that 'the projectleader was so impressed with a playable version of Zelda Miyamoto showed him 4 months ago, he told the team that he wanted to make Perfect Dark Zero also cell-shaded'.
The storyline would remain the same, but on November 27th Rare started redesigning the game, with cell-shaded graphics. Our source promised us that Perfect dark Zero would definitely give us the same thrills as the N64 version did, the graphics would just look different. he said 'I've played a version that was in a very early stage. I can't deny that I had to get used to the graphics, but after 5 mintues of playing, I didn't want anything else anymore'.
Rare will show a 2 minute demo video at the E3. There won't be a playable version, since the game is in a too early stage. At Spaceworld in Tokyo in September this year, gamers will probably be able to play this game. Rare's goal is to release Perfect Dark Zero early 2003.
The person also gave us two screenshots, which you can check out below. They both show two rooms that belong to the same level, where some of the action will take place. Our source told us that the final version would contain much more details.
We will definitely have more on this title during the E3.