April Fools: Conservatives DS Game Announced

Posted 01 Apr 2011 at 07:19 by Ashley Jones
The popular Japanese 'political simulation' genre gets a UK version with Conservatives: The Video Game.
Charm Target Earth, a Lincolnshire based developer, has announced that they are to bring politics to the DS with their upcoming game Conservatives: The Video Game. The title sees you take on the role of Conservative leader and current UK Prime Minister at the moment Gordon Brown stepped down and he became Prime Minister back in May 2010.
According to Charm Target Earth the game will feature a number of episodes including 'Picking the Cabinet', 'How Do You Solve a Problem Like Libya?' and 'Non-Etons Rioting About Their Inability To Get Into Eton'. Each episode begins as they did in the real world, with a cut-scene showing what happened and an overview of the details in a pre-prepared report, but will allow players to make their own decisions as to how to handle the situation. These decisions will in turn effect later episodes and if you make poor decisions your government can be overthrown!
A two player co-operative mode will allow gamers to share the political gameplay with friends. The second player takes on the role of the Liberal Democrat's leader Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, whose primary goal is to justify the coalition in spite of the glaring ideological differences. If you don't have a friend who wants to play Conservatives: The Video Game however don't worry, an 'auto agree Nick Clegg' mode will allow you to control the action while Nick Clegg simply backs you up.
A range of mini-games will also feature including 'How Many Times Can You Blame The Previous Government In One Day', 'EU Go Away' and 'Hangin' With The Common People'. Conservatives: The Video Game is due out on 9th October, to coincide with David Cameron's 45th birthday, and will be a UK exclusive title to mirror the party's Euro-scepticism.
"While politics may not seem like an obvious choice for a video game we believe that Conservatives: The Video Game will really give fans an insight into the inner-workings of the UK government."William Pitt - CEO of Charm Target Earth.
April Fools!
Unfortunately this is just an April Fools, as there seems to be some genuine interest. Apologies that this was a bit UK-centric but when I thought of it I had to do it. Kudos to those who picked up on the little references. These were:
- Charm Target Earth = anagram of 'Margaret Thatcher'
- Who was born in Lincolnshire
- William Pitt is one of the founding members of the Tory party