Astral Chain Story Trailer

Posted 10 Sep 2019 at 11:15 by Sam C Gittins
Astral Chain has recently released to critical acclaim (our review will follow soon) and whether you're just getting to grips with the games mechanics or if you've finished the entire story already, the game is still being heavily promoted, rightly so as well as this is a huge title for not only the Switch but gamers in general.
A new trailer showing off the story of Astral Chain has been released, if you're sensitive to spoilers in any way and have yet to play through the game then you might not want to watch it, for myself though even though I'm only a few hours into the game, it has only added to the intrigue and I can feel the tug of Astral Chain pulling me back into playing it at a time where there are so many game releases as it is; it's clear that this is a game deserving of any Switch owners attention.
Check below for the trailer...
Have you bought Astral Chain yet? Perhaps you might be waiting to pick it up alongside a Switch Lite? If you've beaten the game or are only a few hours in, how are you finding the gameplay?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.