Black Yoshi QR Code

Posted 28 May 2012 at 11:31 by Joshua Phillips
Head inside to download Black Yoshi to your copy of Mario Tennis Open and be the envy of all your online opponents...
Did you manage to head down to an ASDA store this past weekend and Chase Yoshis For Mario Tennis Open? Well if not then don't fear because we have the QR code right here courtesy of Official Nintendo Magazine.
To capture Black Yoshi all you need to do is fire up Mario Tennis Open and access the secret QR scanning screen by holding up on the D-Pad and pressing Start from the File Select screen.
From there all you need to do is hold your 3DS up to the picture below and Black Yoshi will burst out of the code, happy to be free from his papery pixelated jail.

Remember that Black Yoshi isn't simply a colour variation of his green cousin, he's an all new creature. You can select him on the character selection screen (surprisingly) where you'll be delighted to know that he's an All-Rounder as oppose to a Speed character.
Did you pick up Mario Tennis Open this weekend? If so then head to Club Nintendo at (green) Yoshi speed as this is your last chance to bag an extra 250 Stars.